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Cyclist vs Landrover

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Might be worth checking that, if you are interested in being visible.


I'm not interesting in being even more visibile and spending more money on it to stop someone elses stupidity. FRom memory it's either four or five lights and a reflective strip. That's four lights and a strip more than I legally or morally need.


I was proposing the bike lights idea for those who were concerned about their trailer not being that visible from the side.


Putting flashing bike lights on it would actually completely solve that issue, and, being simple, would constitute a simple solution.


Not running a red light is simple. I suspect that flashing bike lights on a trailer may be illegal as well but I'd have to check the C&UR


Your 'people not running red lights...', in contrast, relies on large numbers of other human beings suddenly changing their behaviour. History shows that this just doesn't happen.


So I get slathered with the baddie brush just because some impatient cyclists want to jump red lights? (and before you whine about how I'm tarring all cyclists with the same brush - you just said a large number not me)


Should I therefore have dayglo jackets and flashing lights to walk on the pavement? I've had to dodge cyclists on there before as well...


And, the lack of a proposed causal connection between 1. the decision made by the trailer owner to tackle the issue, and, 2. the minds of all those other human beings involved, in your 'solution' is a huge problem.


What issue? People running red lights is somehow my fault because I'm not being concerned enough about it? Dream on.


The huge problem here is your refusal to countenance that the cyclist was 100% at fault or indeed it seems to countenance any fault on the part of the cyclist.


The solution is simple.


Don't break the law and run a red light, and have a light on the front of the bike.



That problem could only be addressed by some form of communication e.g. a mass media information broadcast, which, would also be weak as a solution, due to the inevitable less than 100% uptake, and, even if it looked feasible, would certainly not be 'simple'.


So, for those reasons, I'm actually going to quibble strongly with your statement and say that the simple solution is to put some pound shop lights down the side (as opposed to trying to make people stop running reds).


You would be in a minority of one I suspect in that. Even the police asked if I wanted to press charges.

Edited by Obelix
Fix misquoting
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Obelix is totally 100% innocent here, I don't know how anyone else can say otherwise.

You could say he should put cycle lights down his trailer (although the name gives away what they are designed for) but the cyclist was defiantly in the wrong by the sounds of it.

The cyclist should have had proper visible gear on himself and the bike. O and NOT run that red light.


Credit to you Obelix for been quick of the mark and observant otherwise it sounds like it would have been much worse. Hope your not to shuck up from the incident.

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Seen too many agressive drivers lately to be impressed. Road rage scraps. Near misses. The lot all from hyper aggressve driving.

Remember this is a one tonne killing machine. We should be extra vigilant for cyclists and give them leeway.


All up weight last night was just under five tonnes. If you think that pulling off from a green light and getting up to maybe ten miles an hour is aggressive then jog on troll..

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Might be worth checking that, if you are interested in being visible.




I was proposing the bike lights idea for those who were concerned about their trailer not being that visible from the side.


Putting flashing bike lights on it would actually completely solve that issue, and, being simple, would constitute a simple solution.


Your 'people not running red lights...', in contrast, relies on large numbers of other human beings suddenly changing their behaviour. History shows that this just doesn't happen.


And, the lack of a proposed causal connection between 1. the decision made by the trailer owner to tackle the issue, and, 2. the minds of all those other human beings involved, in your 'solution' is a huge problem.


That problem could only be addressed by some form of communication e.g. a mass media information broadcast, which, would also be weak as a solution, due to the inevitable less than 100% uptake, and, even if it looked feasible, would certainly not be 'simple'.


So, for those reasons, I'm actually going to quibble strongly with your statement and say that the simple solution is to put some pound shop lights down the side (as opposed to trying to make people stop running reds).


I am stood agog.

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So, for those reasons, I'm actually going to quibble strongly with your statement and say that the simple solution is to put some pound shop lights down the side (as opposed to trying to make people stop running reds).


I think you have totally got this wrong, Running red lights is illegal where as not having cycle lights on the side of your trailer isn't.


This incident could have been avoided if the cyclist would have stuck to the highway code

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