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Cyclist vs Landrover

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Seen too many agressive drivers lately to be impressed. Road rage scraps. Near misses. The lot all from hyper aggressve driving.

Remember this is a one tonne killing machine. We should be extra vigilant for cyclists and give them leeway.


open and shut case . the lunatic cyclists jumped a red light , no one to blame but themselves , no sympathy for them. its about time people stopped defending two wheeled lunatics who think its ok to jump red lights.

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No - you've posted a simple solution that I neither require, or need,


A solution directed clearly towards owners of flatbed trailers who are interested in making them more visible- if you're not in that category then it wasn't directed at you, so not sure why you're getting so wound up.






It's the same as your shameful suggestions as to why it's ometimes acceptable to jump the red lights. It's never the cyclists fault is it - it always has to be that nasty motorist that is ultimately to blame for being to big too stupid or too invisible....


Yes, I do believe that it some circumstances it is safer to go through reds- clearly not the circumstances described in your OP though.


Now you've brought it up, perhaps I should post a link to the actual thread where I discussed, and defended, that belief-




(in the interests of not taking your thread off topic, though I will point put in advance that,,if that does happen, it was you, not I, that raised the issue here.)

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I just knew when I posted this that you'd pop up. Sad to say you havn't disappointed me....


I posted here soley for the reason of putting out a decent safety idea that flatbed trailer owners could, if concerned about their trailers low visibility, easily make it more visible.


Worth mentioning to anyone towing flatbed trailers, that the £shops stock bicycle rear red lights (cost £1), a few of which could be easily attached to the sides of a trailer and render it much more visible (not only to red light running cyclists, but a host of other situations where a life could be saved by the trailer being visible).


not to argue about going through reds- said debate and reasons are readable, and arguable with, on this thread-




and that stands, cos, putting aside all the b*llox and b*llsh*t, safety and illumination do go well together, and, if it saves someones life, even if that person was being an idiot, most would agree it's a good thing.

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Prove or retract, your choice.


Ok, implied he was wrong. "Are you sure there were posters?" - prove otherwise.


There is a part of your brain that cannot accept a cyclist is in the wrong. If you started a thread saying you were mugged I wouldnt give you a cross examination about the circumstances. You're a sensible long standing poster and I'd take it face value unless I had a particular axe to grind.

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