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Cyclist vs Landrover

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Does current legislation demand that lights are fitted to these trailers?


Every trailer on the road has to have position lights and reflectors. I can't recall the exact law as it depends on trailer size, the plated weight, and when it was made but it has the required ones which are red to the rear rear triangle reflectors, front reflectors and white front lights as it is a wide trailer, and rear foglamp.


There are also optional lights which are amber down the side (which don't show to the rear or front.) and a reflective amber stripe.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 16:37 ----------


Its always good to hear it from another perspective and i can say doing a few days cycling on the road you will soon change some atittudes.


I cycle also, quite extensively. I don't get grief from motorists though, perhaps because I co-exist peacefully.


What I do object to is the continued incessant bleating from certain of the militant cyclist community implying that I am deficient in some way because my trailer wasn't adequately marked - despite it have much more marking than is actually required by law.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 16:38 ----------



It's not in the power of trailer owners who wished to make their trailers more visible to make all cyclists stop at all red lights.


It's not in the power of cyclists ignoring red lights to make all trailers highly visible either.


They should therefore stop at red lights.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 16:48 ----------


Could you post a link to the evidence for this, as it's not cropped up on any of the legal links posted thus far. If you can, I'll happily retract my advice.


(bear in mind the 1m rule though)


You've already been give it as I recall - posts #78 and #79


Road vehicle lighting regulations.




---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 16:49 ----------


It might be interesting for you to ask yourself why you're so fixated on such nonsense examples/scenarios, whilst seemingly either unaware, or uninterested, in the fact that every year, many cyclists who ride very responsibly, are killed or maimed on the roads, through no fault of their own.


Because I'm not going about killing them, so I fail to see why I should spend my money on pointless measures just to appease you.

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Not clip on poundland red lights showing to the side, no


Depending on trailer dimensions, side marker lights may be required, which show a white light to the front and a red light to the rear (and in effect, a small amount of either light to the side)


Amber REFLECTORS may be required (not lights)


Poundland red LED lights actually must not be fitted to the side of the trailer and use of them in this way contravenes the Road Traffic Act


Incidentally, nor are they compliant with BS6102/3 so although legal to use on the rear of a cycle, not as the sole rear light, only as a supplementary light



Car owners "wishing to make themselves more visible" may consider mounting a flashing blue light to the top of the car. It's "in their power" to do this. I'm simply saying that this would make the car more visible.......


We have a 20ft touring caravan, and it has just two lights on each side, white ones. Ive had a another look, and they seem to be factory fitted. Not a massive van, but I suppose these lights help people see it in the dark. It would look nice with a blue flashing light on top though. It would look like a mobile house of disrepute!!:hihi::hihi:

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You've missed the fact that my advice was directed to trailer owners who wished to make their trailers more visible. It's in the power of trailer owners who wished to make their trailers more visible to put some £shop lights on their trailers.


It's not in the power of trailer owners who wished to make their trailers more visible to make all cyclists stop at all red lights.

It's not within the power of cyclists who wish to ride accident-free, to make all trailer owners make their trailers more visible. It is within their power to stop at red lights though.


This is also the simplest solution.

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Every trailer on the road has to have position lights and reflectors. I can't recall the exact law as it depends on trailer size, the plated weight, and when it was made but it has the required ones which are red to the rear rear triangle reflectors, front reflectors and white front lights as it is a wide trailer, and rear foglamp.


There are also optional lights which are amber down the side (which don't show to the rear or front.) and a reflective amber stripe.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 16:37 ----------



I cycle also, quite extensively. I don't get grief from motorists though, perhaps because I co-exist peacefully.


What I do object to is the continued incessant bleating from certain of the militant cyclist community implying that I am deficient in some way because my trailer wasn't adequately marked - despite it have much more marking than is actually required by law.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 16:38 ----------



It's not in the power of cyclists ignoring red lights to make all trailers highly visible either.


They should therefore stop at red lights.


No one really suggested that you needed extra lighting just that in some circumstances it could be a good idea, just the same as its good idea for cyclists to have lights fitted and used in the day.


Why do keep refering to every cyclist as the same in your posts then?


I dont get grief from good motorist either, ive had it from bad ones before though who are the ones at fault. Pretty much on every single ride ill encouter an instance with a simple change of circumstances, little gust of wind/ a pot hole/road debris/ a car coming the other way/ me going a little faster or slower etc etc that through no fault of my own id be knocked off by a poor driver. Again most drivers are excellent.

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Could you post a link to the evidence for this, as it's not cropped up on any of the legal links posted thus far. If you can, I'll happily retract my advice.

(bear in mind the 1m rule though)


Not a straightforward thing to link to as there are numerous factors, including new European Whole Vehicle Type Approval regulations extending to trailers and new trailer parts


It's a combination of the lights when used showing specifically to the side, to be white or amber, and all lights (EWVTA applies to new parts on older trailers too) needing to be stamped with an approval mark


The poundland red LED lights meet neither of these criteria.


One cannot put any old colour and type of light on anywhere, even if it makes it easier to see. As would a flashing blue light on the roof..

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For the avoidance of doubt - here is the trailer in question (near enough)




Mine has been modified a little with an electric winch which is detatchable, and a socket assembly for raising a lighting mast, also the ball and socket is replaced by a NATO hitch as that's what the landrover has


Plated weight is 3.5 tonnes. the trailer will take about 2700kg of load assuming the winch is detatched. Total train mass with the landy fully loaded is about 6.25 tonnes although that's a slow drive in low ratio usually.


Please note the complete lack of side lighting on this trailer. It's not required at all - it's an optional fit that you can have added. The reflector stripe was added by myself on the outermost edge to the beavertail (again not shown)

Edited by Obelix
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You've already been give it as I recall - posts #78 and #79


Road vehicle lighting regulations.




No, if you recall no-one found anything in that link that said pound shop side lights (or any side lights) were illegal. Someone did post another link that said sidelights would be illegal down the entire side, but were OK if within 1 meter of the rear.
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Because I'm not going about killing them, so I fail to see why I should spend my money on pointless measures just to appease you.


For the 8th time, I'll point out that I've never said you should spend money on lights (or anything else) dude. It's entirely your choice, and, given that you've ripped the last set off your trailer, it would seem unlikely that you'd go to the trouble off putting more on.


Incidently, just out of curiosity, why did you take the last set off?


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 17:26 ----------


Well I suggest you look harder then because I know it's there.


Any lights not controlled by a single master off switch are illegal.


Any lights showing to the side must be amber.


You can easily end this by just quoting the relevant part of the document and its section number.


I've also just done a page search using the word 'master', and, got 'no results'.

Edited by onewheeldave
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