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Cyclist vs Landrover

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I'm not going to say things like that in future it's tempting fate, but that's exactly what happened to me this morning at the lights on the way to work. :(


Sat there, waiting for them to change, cyclist approaching and there was a sudden thump at the back.


Cyclist nil, BMW one.


New bike for Christmas... cheapo steel rims.. wet conditions. Didn't stop as expected.



Don't be down about it Obelix- was clearly the cyclists fault.


Sadly, it often happens the other way round, and, despite it being the fault of the driver not looking, in those cases it's generally-


Car scratched, cyclist maimed/killed :(


That's the fundamental inequality of our current road system


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 10:31 ----------


On a brighter note- I just stumbled across this blog with an entry showing how community can spring up when the roads are shut down for the day-




---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 10:32 ----------


And another from the same blog talking about how traffic has cut a community in half (Hillsborough)



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Don't be down about it Obelix- was clearly the cyclists fault.


Sadly, it often happens the other way round, and, despite it being the fault of the driver not looking, in those cases it's generally-


Car scratched, cyclist maimed/killed :(


That's the fundamental inequality of our current road system


If I run into a bicycle I dont think I'll damage it much.


If I run into a car I don't think I'll damage it much.


If either of them run into me I'll be severly injured or killed.


Yet I don't bleat on about the "fundamental inequality of our current road system". Take the soapbox elsewhere your records is stuck.

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Take the soapbox elsewhere your records is stuck.


No. I'll say what I want. For those not wanting to listen, the appropriate action would be to not read my posts. Other than that, you're stuck with it.


This is about correcting a system which is causing unnecessary deaths and suffering, yet because it's 'the way things are' many are blind to the facts.


Another neurotypical trait I'm now very ware of since being diagnosed as aspergic- they have an almost hawk-like ability to spot potential flaws in proposed solutions, whilst remaining utterly blind to the vast number of existing problems in the existing systems that they're used to.


Our road/motor vehicle system is riddled with gross flaws and is the cause of much death, even just directly (cyclists/pedestrians killed). When the effect on national health is figured in, the cull is appalling.


So, I will continue to speak of it. Until it goes away.

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This is about correcting a system which is causing unnecessary deaths and suffering, .


Simple answer to that is don't run a red light and don't cycle on an unsafe machine.


It doesnt demand anything more complicated than that...;) I'm sorry you cannot see past your blinkers to that.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 11:01 ----------


So, I will continue to speak of it. Until it goes away.


And while you bleat on with the needle stuck proposing expensive "solutions" to a problem that doesn't exist, you wont get any further and people will ignore you. Your choice.

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Don't be down about it Obelix- was clearly the cyclists fault.


Sadly, it often happens the other way round, and, despite it being the fault of the driver not looking, in those cases it's generally-


Car scratched, cyclist maimed/killed :(


That's the fundamental inequality of our current road system


So to equalise it, would you have bikes made bigger/heavier/harder or cars made out of cardboard?

(false dichotomy, I know)

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So to equalise it, would you have bikes made bigger/heavier/harder or cars made out of cardboard?

(false dichotomy, I know)


Well, you've asked so :)


1. wouldn't alter bikes- they're now evolved to be the perfect form of short-medium distance transport. They're not flimsy in the slightest- (as long as they've not being crashed into by 2 tonnes of motorised metal driven by a blind obese ape), they're exactly the right compromise of sturdiness and lightness.


2. alter the road system- start to move cars out of residential areas so they do what they're suited for- long distance travel on big roads. On small roads in residential areas, give priority to bikes (obviously, this is a long term goal)


3. Any time a car kills/maims a cyclist, a full on investigation to establish the facts. If driver not to blame, he/she walks away scot free. If they're found to be at fault, a prison term and lifetime ban from driving.


4. any driver filmed using a mobile(illegally, while driving)- long ban from driving. Repeat offence- lifetime ban


5. Just as with the VERY successful approach to smoking, a ban on advertising of motor vehicles, combined with heavy promotion of cycling from primary schools upwards, with the facts about cars negative effects on public health a big part of it.


6. financial incentives for anyone choosing to cycle to work.


That's off the top of my end- I think you can see the general direction?

Edited by onewheeldave
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Wow I see this tread has gone down the usual path, tit for tatting.


Now we are saying that everyone who doesn't cycle is obese...


WE aren't saying that. Only one person said that.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 13:20 ----------


If I run into a bicycle I dont think I'll damage it much.


If I run into a car I don't think I'll damage it much.


If either of them run into me I'll be severly injured or killed.


Yet I don't bleat on about the "fundamental inequality of our current road system". Take the soapbox elsewhere your records is stuck.


In most places you're likely to go you have a dedicated section for you. Cyclists don't always get that, and when they do it's often badly designed or dangerous in other ways.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 13:21 ----------


So to equalise it, would you have bikes made bigger/heavier/harder or cars made out of cardboard?

(false dichotomy, I know)


Bigger, heavier or harder bikes would do nothing to protect cyclists.

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Well, you've asked so :)


1. wouldn't alter bikes- they're now evolved to be the perfect form of short-medium distance transport. They're not flimsy in the slightest- (as long as they've not being crashed into by 2 tonnes of motorised metal driven by a blind obese ape), they're exactly the right compromise of sturdiness and lightness.


2. alter the road system- start to move cars out of residential areas so they do what they're suited for- long distance travel on big roads. On small roads in residential areas, give priority to bikes (obviously, this is a long term goal)


3. Any time a car kills/maims a cyclist, a full on investigation to establish the facts. If driver not to blame, he/she walks away scot free. If they're found to be at fault, a prison term and lifetime ban from driving.


4. any driver filmed using a mobile(illegally, while driving)- long ban from driving. Repeat offence- lifetime ban


5. Just as with the VERY successful approach to smoking, a ban on advertising of motor vehicles, combined with heavy promotion of cycling from primary schools upwards, with the facts about cars negative effects on public health a big part of it.


6. financial incentives for anyone choosing to cycle to work.


That's off the top of my end- I think you can see the general direction?


How about


7. any cyclist filmed running a red light - long ban from cycling. Repeat offence - lifetime ban ?

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In most places you're likely to go you have a dedicated section for you.


Er no - Apart from a motorway there are no dedicated roads for combustion vehicles. I have to share them all with horses, pedestrians, agricultural tractors, red deer, badgers, next doors cats, the occassional steam roller from the enthusiast at the end of the lane and a fairly large number of cyclists.

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