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Cyclist vs Landrover

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This is one of those public service messages that everyone gets so agitated about.....


I managed to catch me a cyclist tonight. More through his deeds than mine I think.


He decided to jump a red light and shoot over behind me as I went through a crossroads that was light controlled. I didn't see him till the last split second - black clothes, hidden behind railings and no light on the front. There was one on the back of his bike, much good that was to him...


The same railings that hid him also meant he didn't see the flatbed trailer I was towing until it was way way too late. All I heard was a despairing squeak... if I hadn't have seen him I'd have carried on and towed a 2 ton trailer right over him. I didn't feel a thing when he hit the side...


He was very apologetic all told. I couldn't even find any damage on the trailer. His bike on the other hand is something else... He got off with nothing more than hurt pride. I have no idea how - he ended up wrapped around the jockey wheel with one leg stuck up over my rear axle....


I'll say this for the blue light brigade. When you tell them there's guy under your Landrover they send *everybody* to the party....


Don't jump red lights please people. I might be towing another flatbed trailer one day you don't see, and you might not be as lucky as he was.


Where did it happen?

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The running lights are amber LED's five down each side from memory visible from the sides.


Might be worth checking that, if you are interested in being visible.



The simple solution of course is not fitting more lights, it's people not running red lights..


I was proposing the bike lights idea for those who were concerned about their trailer not being that visible from the side.


Putting flashing bike lights on it would actually completely solve that issue, and, being simple, would constitute a simple solution.


Your 'people not running red lights...', in contrast, relies on large numbers of other human beings suddenly changing their behaviour. History shows that this just doesn't happen.


And, the lack of a proposed causal connection between 1. the decision made by the trailer owner to tackle the issue, and, 2. the minds of all those other human beings involved, in your 'solution' is a huge problem.


That problem could only be addressed by some form of communication e.g. a mass media information broadcast, which, would also be weak as a solution, due to the inevitable less than 100% uptake, and, even if it looked feasible, would certainly not be 'simple'.


So, for those reasons, I'm actually going to quibble strongly with your statement and say that the simple solution is to put some pound shop lights down the side (as opposed to trying to make people stop running reds).

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This is one of those public service messages that everyone gets so agitated about.....


I managed to catch me a cyclist tonight. More through his deeds than mine I think.


He decided to jump a red light and shoot over behind me as I went through a crossroads that was light controlled. I didn't see him till the last split second - black clothes, hidden behind railings and no light on the front. There was one on the back of his bike, much good that was to him...


The same railings that hid him also meant he didn't see the flatbed trailer I was towing until it was way way too late. All I heard was a despairing squeak... if I hadn't have seen him I'd have carried on and towed a 2 ton trailer right over him. I didn't feel a thing when he hit the side...


He was very apologetic all told. I couldn't even find any damage on the trailer. His bike on the other hand is something else... He got off with nothing more than hurt pride. I have no idea how - he ended up wrapped around the jockey wheel with one leg stuck up over my rear axle....


I'll say this for the blue light brigade. When you tell them there's guy under your Landrover they send *everybody* to the party....


Don't jump red lights please people. I might be towing another flatbed trailer one day you don't see, and you might not be as lucky as he was.


Seen too many agressive drivers lately to be impressed. Road rage scraps. Near misses. The lot all from hyper aggressve driving.

Remember this is a one tonne killing machine. We should be extra vigilant for cyclists and give them leeway.

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Seen too many agressive drivers lately to be impressed. Road rage scraps. Near misses. The lot all from hyper aggressve driving.

Remember this is a one tonne killing machine. We should be extra vigilant for cyclists and give them leeway.


Oh my word. Seriously get some friends mate. Your post just screams troll!

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