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Cyclist vs Landrover

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Agree. The fact its a 5 tonne projectile kind of got overlooked.


Think you've mixed my post up with one wheel Daves. Also we'd never get our fishing tackle on a bike trailer, The rod bags are 6ft long, then there's two large boxes and net bags plus the peripherals, sometimes we can't get it all in a rather large estate car and have to but the rod bags on top

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But the usual reason for accidents involving cycles is cyclists running red lights.

This is not true. Many, many cyclists have been hit/killed without any traffic lights in the vicinity.


Many, many cyclists who were the type to obey lights religiously, have been hit/killed.


When a motorist operating his/her mobile phone runs into a cyclist, or, passes too close and causes them to come off, it matters not whether that cyclist always obeyed the rules of the highway code.


But, mainly, this-


But the usual reason for accidents involving cycles is cyclists running red lights.

is not true. And the really sad thing is, some people believe rubbish like that.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 18:51 ----------


How about


7. any cyclist filmed running a red light - long ban from cycling. Repeat offence - lifetime ban ?




Well, you've asked so :)


1. wouldn't alter bikes- they're now evolved to be the perfect form of short-medium distance transport. They're not flimsy in the slightest- (as long as they've not being crashed into by 2 tonnes of motorised metal driven by a blind obese ape), they're exactly the right compromise of sturdiness and lightness.


2. alter the road system- start to move cars out of residential areas so they do what they're suited for- long distance travel on big roads. On small roads in residential areas, give priority to bikes (obviously, this is a long term goal)


3. Any time a car kills/maims a cyclist, a full on investigation to establish the facts. If driver not to blame, he/she walks away scot free. If they're found to be at fault, a prison term and lifetime ban from driving.


4. any driver filmed using a mobile(illegally, while driving)- long ban from driving. Repeat offence- lifetime ban


5. Just as with the VERY successful approach to smoking, a ban on advertising of motor vehicles, combined with heavy promotion of cycling from primary schools upwards, with the facts about cars negative effects on public health a big part of it.


6. financial incentives for anyone choosing to cycle to work.


That's off the top of my end- I think you can see the general direction?


to the extent that roads are genuinely equally safe for cyclists as they are for motorists, then yes.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 18:54 ----------


It gets worse, you want them in FLASHING mode too?


We're done with the lights Squiggs. Turns out they're illegal, and, someone did post proof of it. So I admitted I was wrong to suggest people put £shop lights on their trailers.

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A cyclist smiled at me today, and it brought home the fact that cyclists are people. When I got home from work, I saw why I was smiled at. Some silly chuffs had drawn a pair of ladies bits on my rear bumper in the dirt. (my SF username is well known at work!!)

Now, did the cyclist smile at me because of the bloobies or because I passed her with a full road space? Either way, it may have been the picture, or might have been the courtesy I showed her, but as I stopped at the lights before turning left, she carried on straight through on red, cafefully checking the road left and right.

Yes, I agree there was nothing coming from either direction, and those particular lights are bloody stupid, but she did it nonetheless. Not something I see every day, but worth a mention regarding bikes and the safety of handling them.

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Think you've mixed my post up with one wheel Daves. Also we'd never get our fishing tackle on a bike trailer, The rod bags are 6ft long, then there's two large boxes and net bags plus the peripherals, sometimes we can't get it all in a rather large estate car and have to but the rod bags on top


Agree the 5 tonne projectile got overllookked

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This whole debate is so pointless.

For the last four or five years I have cycled to work every day, whatever the weather, and I choose to do so (I do also drive). Since taking this up I know I am much much fitter, and I am definitely much less stressed when I get home from work - this has been the biggest benefit for me personally . I am aware of the risks, and I take precautions, but I also know I am taking a risk every time I have a shower, go down the stairs or turn the kettle on to make a cup of tea. Why let fear rule your life?

I follow the rules of the road and I never run red lights - in fact I hardly ever see any cyclists running red lights (contrary to popular opinion on here). I have very rarely felt in any danger when out on the roads and most drivers give me plenty of space. I don't use the cycle paths because they are so badly designed and maintained. I am safer on the road thank you very much - please try and understand that if you have never cycled around Sheffield!

There is bad behaviour from all road users - a minority of road users need to learn that cyclists have just as much right to the road as they do, and no, bikes don't have to pay 'road tax' because it doesn't exist. Likewise a minority of cyclists need to realise that the highway code applies to them too, and I do see some going out of their way to antagonise drivers - that's not helpful.

Its not a war for god's sake - Some of us like to cycle, some of us like to drive and some of us like to do both... what is there to argue about? All road users are safer if they show respect and courtesy to other road users, and thankfully the vast majority do in my experience. If you are thinking of taking up cycling then please don't let the doom-mongers on here put you off - it's not like its Mad Max out there or anything. Get out there on a bike, you will love it.

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I cycled to work this morning and the score was 1 all.


1 cyclist (female, goes up Langsett road every morning towards town) runs red lights regularly (and unlike onewheeldave she's doing it because she doesn't want to stop, not even for imagined safety).


1 taxi minibus nearly ran me into the tram crossing as he apparently could look further ahead than me and didn't realise that the road narrowed and had a central reservation.


And I'm wet, I didn't put my waterproofs on, and that was a mistake :-(

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This whole debate is so pointless.

For the last four or five years I have cycled to work every day, whatever the weather, and I choose to do so (I do also drive). Since taking this up I know I am much much fitter, and I am definitely much less stressed when I get home from work - this has been the biggest benefit for me personally . I am aware of the risks, and I take precautions, but I also know I am taking a risk every time I have a shower, go down the stairs or turn the kettle on to make a cup of tea. Why let fear rule your life?

I follow the rules of the road and I never run red lights - in fact I hardly ever see any cyclists running red lights (contrary to popular opinion on here). I have very rarely felt in any danger when out on the roads and most drivers give me plenty of space. I don't use the cycle paths because they are so badly designed and maintained. I am safer on the road thank you very much - please try and understand that if you have never cycled around Sheffield!

There is bad behaviour from all road users - a minority of road users need to learn that cyclists have just as much right to the road as they do, and no, bikes don't have to pay 'road tax' because it doesn't exist. Likewise a minority of cyclists need to realise that the highway code applies to them too, and I do see some going out of their way to antagonise drivers - that's not helpful.

Its not a war for god's sake - Some of us like to cycle, some of us like to drive and some of us like to do both... what is there to argue about? All road users are safer if they show respect and courtesy to other road users, and thankfully the vast majority do in my experience. If you are thinking of taking up cycling then please don't let the doom-mongers on here put you off - it's not like its Mad Max out there or anything. Get out there on a bike, you will love it.


This seems to be by far the most sensible post so far! It pretty much sums up my experiences too. Thank you for being so eloquently succinct!

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to the extent that roads are genuinely equally safe for cyclists as they are for motorists, then yes.


What on earth does the relative safety of different modes of transport have to do with whether you should obey the law and ride safely or not? If I'm driving along I don't decide "hey, I'll go through a red light here because I know that if I was driving a leaky fuel tanker then that would be much more dangerous".


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 13:58 ----------


Fortunately, the consequences of a cyclists failings tend to not be that serious for anyone else- in contrast, the failings of our road policies and failings of irresponsible drivers, are, frequently, fatal for cyclists.


They also put people off cycling who, in the roads were safe, would be inclined to cycle way more- as previously explained, this makes the roads even less safe for existing cyclists, as well as adding to the obesity epidemic.


There are so many holes in this logic.


Firstly, it's all very well for you to decide that a cyclists failings don't cause serious consequences for anyone else. You don't seem to have factored in damage to their property and the psychological impact of a reckless cyclist being hurt or injured by impact with their car through no fault of the driver. Drivers have every justification in feeling annoyed and angry by this.


Secondly, you're ignoring the fact that a cyclist's actions can have consequences for other road users without them being hurt. There are car-car collisions caused by drivers having to avoid reckless cyclists.


Thirdly, bad cycling is often what turns bad driving from an avoidable hazard into a serious danger. In other threads you've talked about the dangers from left turners as you are passing on the inside when approaching traffic lights. Now I'd definitely argue that the driver is in the wrong in this scenario, but failing to see you or even look in their mirrors is an easier mistake to make than to put yourself in that predictably dangerous position on your bike.


Fourthly, bad cycling affects good cyclists negatively. I have no doubt that there are drivers who would otherwise have no antipathy towards cyclists were it not for people like you jumping lights etc. I often face scenarios like that described above, where a small, otherwise insignificant slip-up by a driver could have ended up as a dangerous situation. Most of these situations involve probably well-meaning drivers who have unfortunately got a little careless. There is the occasional one where drivers were wilfully flouting the law (jumping red lights etc). But actually most of the few times when I have felt that I was in serious danger were when vindictive drivers actually tried to cause me physical harm without any provocation other than that they didn't like me being there. I have no doubt that there are some of then on SF. And when they see you riding like an idiot, and suggesting to others that it is the safe thing to do, I can kind of understand something of how they get to hate cyclists so much.

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  • 4 months later...

Well it seems that the apologetic cyclist is anything but....


Court papers landed today. He want's £3000 for a merida cycle and some more for shock and trauma poor lambs not been able to cycle for weeks due to panicking on the road.... :roll:


I'm impressed that his metal framed bike suddenly transformed into a carbon framed outfit though. Carbon fibre doesnt bend like the way his bike bent...... I wonder what the judge will say about that....


I suppose I better figure out what my costs are and countersue. I'd be amazed if it was more than a tenner though - until I add on loss of earnings. Maybe that'll make him see sense...

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