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Who do you want to and think will win the Election?

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You laugh at people who already struggling to make ends meet being made even worse off by Dave's "we are all this together" cuts. You sound like such an unkind person.


Spare room subsidy is an unfair law. Many people are unable to find smaller accommodation and so are, in effect, being forced to pay a tax on their bedroom.


Of course, some people on low incomes choose to waste money on Sky's extortionate packages. There are many who don't. There are many who can't afford to pay the BBC tax. There are many who can't afford heating bills and food. Do you laugh at them too?


It is not a tax! This is what I laugh about, people who think they know politics but are in fact spouting the propaganda peddled to them by the Labour party.


Yes there are people in need, and there is help available. But I just wish people would try and help themselves first.


If I want a larger property, I have to find extra money. I don't consider it a tax, it is a premium. We keep hearing of people being kicked out of their council house, it was never their house in the first place. If they are using one bedroom of a three bedroom house then the other two rooms are premium, if they want to keep them as games rooms and the like then they need to pay. If they can't pay and can't move, then yes that is a problem but one they should accept having entered into the state system for housing.


The BBC fee is not a tax! What a gloomy 'everyone is out to get me' country we live in. If people can't afford it then don't pay it and don't have a TV.

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It is not a tax! This is what I laugh about, people who think they know politics but are in fact spouting the propaganda peddled to them by the Labour party.


Yes there are people in need, and there is help available. But I just wish people would try and help themselves first.


If I want a larger property, I have to find extra money. I don't consider it a tax, it is a premium. We keep hearing of people being kicked out of their council house, it was never their house in the first place. If they are using one bedroom of a three bedroom house then the other two rooms are premium, if they want to keep them as games rooms and the like then they need to pay. If they can't pay and can't move, then yes that is a problem but one they should accept having entered into the state system for housing.


The BBC fee is not a tax! What a gloomy 'everyone is out to get me' country we live in. If people can't afford it then don't pay it and don't have a TV.


Spoken like a true socialist, everyone should contribute what they can and take out what they need.


I don't care what it's called, I do however recognise it was an attack on the poorest of our society and I hope the architects of it get their justice at the next election.

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Spoken like a true socialist, everyone should contribute what they can and take out what they need.


I don't care what it's called, I do however recognise it was an attack on the poorest of our society and I hope the architects of it get their justice at the next election.


In today's world that state cannot afford to provide 3 bedroom houses to people who don't need 3 bedrooms.


The state offers free education up until 18, if someone is short of money then they should be able to draw on some qualifications to find some work, or even go self employed.


I wouldn't call it an attack, unlike Milliband's plan for mansions and the richest. Labour supporters moan about tax cuts for the rich but it is vital we keep their money in the UK. Fickle people think that the Tories sit round a table and give out tax cuts to their mates. It is simply a case of looking at how much money comes into the state, and the knowledge that if too heavily taxed the rich will take their money elsewhere. Look at France and how they failed on taxing the rich.


Like it or lump it the country is recovering and doing very well.

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In today's world that state cannot afford to provide 3 bedroom houses to people who don't need 3 bedrooms.


The state offers free education up until 18, if someone is short of money then they should be able to draw on some qualifications to find some work, or even go self employed.


I wouldn't call it an attack, unlike Milliband's plan for mansions and the richest. Labour supporters moan about tax cuts for the rich but it is vital we keep their money in the UK. Fickle people think that the Tories sit round a table and give out tax cuts to their mates. It is simply a case of looking at how much money comes into the state, and the knowledge that if too heavily taxed the rich will take their money elsewhere. Look at France and how they failed on taxing the rich.


Like it or lump it the country is recovering and doing very well.


I’ve been waiting a while now for someone to actually explain this bit about recovery and the country doing well to me.


Here’s some information from an earlier post of mine and I’d really like it explaining why we are doing better now than in 2009:


Welfare spending


2009/10 under Labour 99.53 billion

2014 112.34 Billion


So the welfare bill has gone up significantly under this government.


Income tax revenue

2009/10 under Labour 202.9 Billion

2014 202.5 Billion


So we are collecting less in tax revenue than under Labour.


A very polite request, but could you explain how this is an improvement as it doesn’t look that way to me.

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Found this intersting http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30677112 but it' still old news to me


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 12:25 ----------


In today's world that state cannot afford to provide 3 bedroom houses to people who don't need 3 bedrooms.


Like it or lump it the country is recovering and doing very well.


Actually then can because the benefit is the same for the house and not the amount of people living there.


And no, the economy is not doing very well, which is why it's be forecast down yet again

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I’d really like it explaining why we are doing better now than in 2009:




A very polite request, but could you explain how this is an improvement as it doesn’t look that way to me.

We are doing better because the country has managed to stop and begun to reverse the budgetary haemorrhaging borne from NuLabour's pre-2010 spending commitments.


And that's including (and after-) an eye-wateringly expensive bank bailout (by NuLabour, lest we forget).


By way of analogy, cast your mind (or Google up and learn ;)) about how one goes about stopping a supertanker under way at flank speed: it takes a hell of a lot more planning and time than most people realise, or understand for that matter: it will still travel a good few miles forward under its own momentum, after you put it in full reverse.


That's not saying only the Tories (or the Coalition) could do it, and that Labour, the Greens or the Monster Raving Loony Party could not/would not have turned the country around. But, besides historical precedent, recent empirical evidence from e.g. France, Venezuela and elsewhere shows that a right-ist mindset and approach works better for balancing a country's books than a left-ist one.

Edited by L00b
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In today's world that state cannot afford to provide 3 bedroom houses to people who don't need 3 bedrooms.


The state offers free education up until 18, if someone is short of money then they should be able to draw on some qualifications to find some work, or even go self employed.


I wouldn't call it an attack, unlike Milliband's plan for mansions and the richest. Labour supporters moan about tax cuts for the rich but it is vital we keep their money in the UK. Fickle people think that the Tories sit round a table and give out tax cuts to their mates. It is simply a case of looking at how much money comes into the state, and the knowledge that if too heavily taxed the rich will take their money elsewhere. Look at France and how they failed on taxing the rich.


Like it or lump it the country is recovering and doing very well.


How does the government plan to reduce the national debt by taking in less money through taxation? The tories said they will clamp down on tax evasion by £5bn, which is double speak to me, and what about the rest of the tax evasion?

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The opening gambit asked who would win the elelection, though it sems to have digressed somewhat I think.

Arguement ,counter arguements,benefits,tax,statistics,and even charismatic... these are some words used in over 2000 hits on this thread.

Who will be brave enought to vote for a lesser party who may portray different or even better policies ?


Can anyone say with any sincerity that voting Tory,Labour,Lib Dem will give anything different to what has previously happened . Is UKIP now to be Britains saviour?

The prospects of getting a decent party is looking more and more grim I am afraid.

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