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Who do you want to and think will win the Election?

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The Tories 2 secret weapons are Miliband and the SNP.


How come the SNP is the Tories secret weapon? A big swing from Labour to SNP doesn't help win DC any more seats in England and the SNP will never support a minority Conservative government.


It’s looking more likely that DC could win the popular vote by a small margin but end up with less seats due to the way FPTP works.


I’ll keep an eye on odds before my bet (me and a mate have £25 each in a competition to see who can win most) but at the moment the most likely result looks like a minority Labour government in a pact with the SNP rather than full coalition. Add to that a couple of Greens and there are the ingredients for a more left wing government than we have been used to.


Having said that a big factor will be UKIP bleeding votes back to the Tories as people get cold feet with a “protest” vote closer the May. Those who say they have never voted before will probably stick with UKIP but if Conservative Kippers start to return to the fold to it allows DC to squeak home.


A better bet might be which party leader will; still be in position post GE2015

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If SNP ever does get independence for Scotland, Labour will never achieve power in the UK.

So the SNP (rather than the Conservative Party) is Labour's biggest threat, followed by UKIP's increasingly successful extraction of ex-Labour supporters now disillusioned with its lack of credibility.

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If SNP ever does get independence for Scotland, Labour will never achieve power in the UK.

So the SNP (rather than the Conservative Party) is Labour's biggest threat, followed by UKIP's increasingly successful extraction of ex-Labour supporters now disillusioned with its lack of credibility.


Conservatives have more to worry about with ukip than labour. Ukip took two conservative seats in the bi elections.

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How come the SNP is the Tories secret weapon? A big swing from Labour to SNP doesn't help win DC any more seats in England and the SNP will never support a minority Conservative government.



That's pretty easy. To win outright in a general election you need to win 325 seats. In 2010 Labour held 258 seats. So they would need to gain 67 seats. Losing 25 to the SNP isn't really going to help that process as it would mean they needed to gain 92 in England and Wales.


I'm thinking that in the event of a hung parliament the SNP would support whoever offered them the best chance of achieving their goal of independence. I would happily endure 5 years of any party/coalition that stopped Scottish MPs from medling in English affairs. I'm not sure that Laour shares that same aim.


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 13:37 ----------


Conservatives have more to worry about with ukip than labour. Ukip took two conservative seats in the bi elections.


2 less that Labour has towards the 325 then.

Edited by roosterboost
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That's pretty easy. To win outright in a general election you need to win 325 seats. In 2010 Labour held 258 seats. So they would need to gain 67 seats. Losing 25 to the SNP isn't really going to help that process as it would mean they needed to gain 92 in England and Wales.


I'm thinking that in the event of a hung parliament the SNP would support whoever offered them the best chance of achieving their goal of independence. I would happily endure 5 years of any party/coalition that stopped Scottish MPs from medling in English affairs. I'm not sure that Laour shares that same aim.


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 13:37 ----------



2 less that Labour has towards the 325 then.



No because Labour never had them, so it can't be two less.

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Its a bit unfortunate but i hope we can look beyond the leaders image. Cameron and osborne are slime imho.

Clegg is ok we just need to pull him away from the dark side.


Why do you think that? They have created 1.5 million new jobs in private industry. They are struggling with the deficit THEY INHERITED FROM LABOUR, none the less inward investors are more active here than anywhere else in the developed world.


What have they done to merit your terming them "slime"?

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What have they done to merit your terming them "slime"?


1. Attacking the Fire Brigade, increasing their retirement age, slashing their pensions, threatening them with dismissal for not reaching the required level of fitness, up to 60 years old.


2. Selling off massive NHS departments to private companies, resulting in job losses and stretched resources.


3. Not giving NHS workers their deserved pay rises.


4. Giving themselves an 11% pay rise


5. Going to court to fight for bankers to keep their bonuses uncapped.


6. Which resulted in £80 billion in bonuses, while the poorest received £80 billion in austerity cuts.


7. Freezing benefits payments to 10's of millions.

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