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Who do you want to and think will win the Election?

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There wont be another chance for Scotland to vote to leave the Union in a generation now, certainly not in the straight yes / no format offered last September.


So if you were Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the 3rd largest party following the vote in May. In the event of the predicted hung parliament, what would you be asking for in exchange for your party's support?

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Cameron is not giving to be the first serving Prime Minister since Wilson in 1966 to persuade more people to vote for him than before and even that was a short two year Parliament. If anybody seriously thinks Cameron is going to do what Thatcher and Blair couldn't manage, and persuade more people to vote for him second time than the first, I suggest they put their name down for a brain transplant.

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It's like having a choice of being hung, shot or the electric chair. You just look at our politicians and think "Christ almighty".


I can't see anything positive to vote for.


The thought of Ed Balls being chancellor is enough to chill the blood; he has a terrible track record, mad bulging eyes and a conviction that he's never wrong. Please not him in government.

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1. Attacking the Fire Brigade, increasing their retirement age, slashing their pensions, threatening them with dismissal for not reaching the required level of fitness, up to 60 years old.


Before the changes, the average firefighter retired at 50 after 30 years of work. They then died at 87, after drawing a pension for 37 years. So they drew a pension for longer than they served. Is this fair? We simply can't afford such a generous pension scheme.

2. Selling off massive NHS departments to private companies, resulting in job losses and stretched resources.


This practice was started by Labour


3. Not giving NHS workers their deserved pay rises.


I agree here.


4. Giving themselves an 11% pay rise


They didn't, an independent body did. MP's pay rose by about 40% under Labour


5. Going to court to fight for bankers to keep their bonuses uncapped.


Did they? I genuinely didn't know there had been a court case and that the government fought it.


6. Which resulted in £80 billion in bonuses, while the poorest received £80 billion in austerity cuts.


Most of these bonuses were paid by private companies


7. Freezing benefits payments to 10's of millions.






Our welfare system remains one of the most generous in the world.

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Cameron is not giving to be the first serving Prime Minister since Wilson in 1966 to persuade more people to vote for him than before and even that was a short two year Parliament. If anybody seriously thinks Cameron is going to do what Thatcher and Blair couldn't manage, and persuade more people to vote for him second time than the first, I suggest they put their name down for a brain transplant.


Does he need to?

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Our welfare system remains one of the most generous in the world.


Yeah right! An "independant" body :hihi:


If you believe that, you'll believe anything!


I'm not slagging the Torys while sticking up for Labour, they're just as bad, especially under Blair.

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Our welfare system remains one of the most generous in the world.


And so is our political system; that classes pensions as welfare. We pay money in to get our pensions, yet what most pay in, does not reflect what you get out.

But does cutting welfare mean cutting pensions, maybe not, but its just all very dishonest how things are worded. None of them can be trusted. Who do we trust the least, its got to be the Tories.

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1. Attacking the Fire Brigade, increasing their retirement age, slashing their pensions, threatening them with dismissal for not reaching the required level of fitness, up to 60 years old.


2. Selling off massive NHS departments to private companies, resulting in job losses and stretched resources.


3. Not giving NHS workers their deserved pay rises.


4. Giving themselves an 11% pay rise


5. Going to court to fight for bankers to keep their bonuses uncapped.


6. Which resulted in £80 billion in bonuses, while the poorest received £80 billion in austerity cuts


7. Freezing benefits payments to 10's of millions.


Thank you, your sympathies are clearly with public service personnel and benefit recipients. What I do not understand is why you blame the government that is trying to make the books balance when the reason all the issues you list are caused by the LABOUR government who "spent all the money"(their words not mine).

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Why do you think that? They have created 1.5 million new jobs in private industry. They are struggling with the deficit THEY INHERITED FROM LABOUR, none the less inward investors are more active here than anywhere else in the developed world.


What have they done to merit your terming them "slime"?


No they havent. Wheres the proof the cons have created 1.5 million jobs?

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