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Reflex - Charging £2.00 on the door at 10pm!!!

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I was out on Friday night and decided to visit Reflex with some of the lads. In front of us were 2 girls, there were told it was £2.00 entry each, both walked away and decided to spend their cash elsewhere. We were told exactly the same (6 in our party), now I am not short of a bob or two, but I just resented paying this to simply walk through the door.


Is this standard policy for them or is it just a bouncers benefit?


We then stood for a min or two and witnessed a further dozen or so people walk away, what kind of business policy is that, risk £2.00 each for the chance of buying several drinks. They must be either raking it in or inept in the common sense department.


I have been to Reflex's in Cardiff and other major cities and never had this, anyone else had this ?



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they never used to do this,


i myself have walked away from paying to get in there, i dont even like the place but i know some people who do.


i think because they made a few bob round xmas period by charging to get in, they thought they would carry it on.

dont know how busy it gets in there on a weekend now they are charging though

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I was out on Friday night and decided to visit Reflex with some of the lads. In front of us were 2 girls, there were told it was £2.00 entry each, both walked away and decided to spend their cash elsewhere. We were told exactly the same (6 in our party), now I am not short of a bob or two, but I just resented paying this to simply walk through the door.


Is this standard policy for them or is it just a bouncers benefit?


We then stood for a min or two and witnessed a further dozen or so people walk away, what kind of business policy is that, risk £2.00 each for the chance of buying several drinks. They must be either raking it in or inept in the common sense department.


I have been to Reflex's in Cardiff and other major cities and never had this, anyone else had this ?



GREEDYS the word:nod: almost every bar on carver st and surounding areas are charging apart from bar UNIQ!, probably the late licencenses theyve got has something to do with it??

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Why should they not charge? You pay for gatecrasher you think they dont make enough on drinks? Late licenses aren't cheap, neither are the door staff that all work extra 4 hrs, it is for everybodys benefit. You can stay out later and they make more money, dont pay the £2 and go home, sounds a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face! If you are that bothered about the money you should probably have stayed home anyway. They provide a service like everybody they expect to get paid. You think they really care about the 20 or so people not coming in when plenty obviously do and will pay.

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Why should they not charge? You pay for gatecrasher you think they dont make enough on drinks? Late licenses aren't cheap, neither are the door staff that all work extra 4 hrs, it is for everybodys benefit. You can stay out later and they make more money, dont pay the £2 and go home, sounds a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face! If you are that bothered about the money you should probably have stayed home anyway. They provide a service like everybody they expect to get paid. You think they really care about the 20 or so people not coming in when plenty obviously do and will pay.


You have missed the point completely. I have money, shed loads of it. It was just after 10.00pm, no other bar on West Street asked me for money, the licensing laws have changed, most bars on West street have doormen and dont ask for cash, your arguement is flawed in most parts. We went to the Dog & Partridge and had a great night including some great beers.

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It's not just me then? Four of us went in at the end of Feb and I thought we must have been really late (now that there's no last orders bell to give you an idea of the time) to have to pay on the door. Think I'll be giving it a miss in future. I agree with SLinkyMinky; if a nightclub is a nightclub, I accept I'll have to pay to get in (as when we moved on to Fuel), but Barkers/Edwards/Reflex has always been a bar, with a bit of a dancing area, and not to my knowledge a club. Max's has been a late bar since God knows when but I've never paid to get in there. It's just a money-making racket, and you're really not telling me that these places don't rake it in enough to cover the cost of the late licence - if they thought they weren't going to make it back, they wouldn't go for it in the first place. And if they ARE charging because they have a late licence, they should be charging after the traditional closing time and surely not before it???

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