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Reflex - Charging £2.00 on the door at 10pm!!!

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Now you're talking.


I mean, think of all the costs associated with having light switches and, er, music and glasses and straws and tables and stuff. Oh, and being open late of course! Lots of expense in that, with the Government's pesky 'Late Tax' and everything. Those three quid bottles of VK Blue don't even come close to paying the DJ's wage!


Sheesh, the cheek of some people expecting to walk into a sticky-floored hell hole without handing over cash. The sheer gall of it!

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Its interesting to read some of the comments on the thread I originally started. Many people have decided not to take into consideration the original issue, which was charging on the door just after 10.00 p.m. and the number of people that walked away.


A few of you have tried to bring the thread back to its origins.


I am fed up of bars whinging that they have to charge on the door to pay for doormen, staff dj's etc... If this is the case, your business case is flawed and you are clearly not managing the business effectively.


Perhaps its me being nieve, but I thought the sale of drinks and food paid for doormen, staff etc... I know its a pretty radical concept but, give it a try.


I have in the past worked as a brewery manager, pub manager and I still work in the trade indirectly, so I would like to think that I have a modicum of experience around this subject, before any of you start jumping up and down, shouting 'what do you know about it' !!


So, to wrap up, try thinking about the paying customer first, look after them and the business will be much more stable. After all, this industry is all about common sense, not rocket science. Basic mathematical skills will tell you the facts


10 people without entry fee - £0.00


20 drinks (2 each) @ £2.50 - £50.00


Total - £50.00 (Profit varies)


Even if you take off the £2.00 per person (if its built into profit margins) there is still a £30.00 turnover.




Turn 10 people away at the door - ZERO, ZILCH, NOTHING.:loopy:



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They have been charging on the door after 10 for some time. The drinks prices i dont think are especially cheap although prob cheaper than some other places however it irrellavent if you cant even get to the bar to be served! The place is always packed late on to the point of hardly being able to move and it gets really hot in there. Its full of od blokes when ive been and the music is a bit pants. Dont get me wrong ive had one or two good nights where weve been in there but mainly earlier on - no way would i pay to go in there now when there are other better places to go IMO. The only really good thing about the place is the pole which can be fun when youve had a few lol :D. However, if you like goin there then £2 is hardly a fortune to pay considerin its open late and at end of day you could pay £7 plus to go to club and get an extra hour or two.

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I think the reason behind charging early is not simply to pay for extra staff hours, although the cost of door staff has increased greatly since last summer for most bars using agencies, but also since the licensing laws changed more and more pubs are able to open later. This means that places like reflex / flares etc which have a more club / dance orientated environment thus relying on slightly later trade charge earlier to try and get customers in before 10, as opposed to having a mass of people arriving at 12 / 1 AM, by which time they may be too drunk to get in, and or may not want to drink much more.


That's the theory behind it anyway, you'll have to ask the managers if it's working or not.

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