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Is it acceptable to steal from big shops?

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I believe theres justification for some people to steal from large stores.


I believe in extreme circumstances there's justification for theft...why large stores should be the focal point is beyond me.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 14:23 ----------


I think their is justification in the minds of some. Owing to the facts ive stated.


Oh come on, don't shift your thinking onto others, it's quite obvious where your thoughts sit.


"Facts" ?:huh:


Edit: Forgive me If I seem to come over confrontational, but with a vengeance I hate thieves...it's probably one of the only few times I will assign "hate" to a concept.

Edited by ronthenekred
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I believe in extreme circumstances there's justification for theft...why large stores should be the focal point is beyond me.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 14:23 ----------



Oh come on, don't shift your thinking onto others, it's quite obvious where your thoughts sit.


"Facts" :huh:


Ive said what i think and stand by it. Dont put words in my mouth.


The initial question was is it acceptable to steal from large stores and under any circumstances?


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 14:28 ----------


Justification does not make it acceptable though, if I lost everything and lived on the streets would I steel to survive, probably, would it be acceptable behavour, probably not.


If i was on the streets and desperate. Who knows what id do.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 14:30 ----------


I do think theres a difference between large and independent stores. I dont think a blanket statement like 'all theft is wrong' covers it.

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I do think theres a difference between large and independent stores. I dont think a blanket statement like 'all theft is wrong' covers it.


A small store might be making more profits for the owner than a large store makes in profits for each shareholder, and the shareholders can be anyone in the country including poor people, pension funds tend to be shareholders in most of the largest companies.

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A small store might be making more profits for the owner than a large store makes in profits for each shareholder, and the shareholders can be anyone in the country including poor people, pension funds tend to be shareholders in most of the largest companies.


I know a lot of small store owners struggle and theft comes directly from their pocket.

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I know a lot of small store owners struggle and theft comes directly from their pocket.


Theft comes out of the pockets of everyone, you pay higher insurance premiums because of theft, the government have less to spend because of theft, your pension pot is smaller because of theft.

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I know a lot of small store owners struggle and theft comes directly from their pocket.


That's because thieves thieve from them in the same way thieves steal from large stores.


A thief isn't defined by the size of the store he/she steals from, they're defined by taking something without the owners permission..I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp but it is "fact"...regardless of your justification.

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