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Is it acceptable to steal from big shops?

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Or is all theft wrong regardless of the circumstances?


To answer your question..............


Put yourself in this scenario:

Supposing you lived on your own in very basic accommodation with no carpets on the floor, very little furniture - only a 14 inch portable TV to keep you company and whilst you were out, someone broke in and stole your TV - would you consider the theft to be right and justified ?


Don't think so.......you would be calling the thieves all the names under the Sun and baying for blood..................question answered.


If a person has been brought up properly by their parents and taught right from wrong, theft from any source should be seen as being wrong.

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According to the 10 commandments, yes :hihi:


But seeing as how Big Corp regularly steal from us, I'd say it's a fair exchange :D


I think so too.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 21:01 ----------


To answer your question..............


Put yourself in this scenario:

Supposing you lived on your own in very basic accommodation with no carpets on the floor, very little furniture - only a 14 inch portable TV to keep you company and whilst you were out, someone broke in and stole your TV - would you consider the theft to be right and justified ?


Don't think so.......you would be calling the thieves all the names under the Sun and baying for blood..................question answered.


If a person has been brought up properly by their parents and taught right from wrong, theft from any source should be seen as being wrong.



Not the same thing. I was brought up properly but can still see the duplicity in this situation. Its about right and wrong.

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If the retailer makes millions in profit and it doesnt hurt anyone?

What about if someone had a kid to feed?


Is it still wrong?


How can that situation arise in Britain? Maybe in some raggedy poor third world country.

You steal you go to jail or get fined. If you go to jail you might also end up as some fellow prisoner's unwilling shower room date

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How can that situation arise in Britain? Maybe in some raggedy poor third world country.

You steal you go to jail or get fined. If you go to jail you might also end up as some fellow prisoner's unwilling shower room date


It cant. People just make excuses and there is far too much woe is me syndrome.


All this horse crap about stealing out of desperation and it doesn't harm big stores.


NOBODY in this country needs to steal jack. For the most desperate of people we have a welfare state. Money is given from our taxes supposedly to look after the needy. If you cannot survive on these handouts to busy basic essentials such as food you have a serious problem.


Those who cant cope need to be taken into care and have more handouts to feed them through communal feeding if necessary.


Even street homeless people are provided for via various organisations and have access to a hot meal.


Nobody is forced to go hungry in this country. If you work or are on benefits and need to resort to stealing food you deserve to be punished. Get your head sorted out.


For those who through illness or complete desperation have not a penny, use the charities provided for you and state services provided for you.


No excuse for crime no matter how small.

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