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Annus Horribillus

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Best words describing the year that has passed by us

Our very own Queen once used the term Annus Horribillus,

It should be quite fitting to name and shame some nations,

Not happy us humans unless we are wreaking havoc and devastation,

Let’s start with that Malaysian airplane that disappeared out of the sky,

Been over ten months and we are no further from knowing why,

In Syria with its punishing civil war and the Assad regime,

Then the emergence of the Islamic State, which is murderous and mean,

Over in Africa innocent school girls kidnapped from their place of school,

Once again hiding behind religion, which is such a cunning tool,

Pakistan school where over one hundred and fifty children, murdered by the Taliban,

Beggar’s belief what depths people will go to destroy their fellow man?

In Africa the new threat is Ebola which has surged through many countries

Leaving in its wake a trail of death, and even more uncertainty,

Back home our fallen celebrities with their dreadful past,

Occupy jail cells, as justice has caught up with them at last,

With all the unrest and depravity maybe I am fair to suspect

2014 goes down as one that we may not be in a hurry to recollect.



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