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No contraception, no dole

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If it has to be "earned" how is it freedom?


That's why it's in italics dude :)


Any old numpty should NOT be allowed to reproduce, IMO


I know it's a difficult concept, but ANYTHING has to be better than the accidental births currently forced on society....


Pushing generations into cyclical retard production...and little else


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 01:00 ----------


Would you really agree that your baby daughter should have an implant - an invasive medical procedure - these always carry risks. Or indeed, your baby boy - if you are up for slicing and dicing babies why be sexist about it?


This would appear to be the only way to do it


I have no issue with it at all - it's just a simple injection


And the effects are easily reversed....so if, as a fully functioning, contributing adult...these people prove themselves parentworthy...


Then it would be


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 01:03 ----------


What makes a good parent though? Now THAT is a good question

Edited by Solomon1
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We have to reduce the number of people and the rate of consumption of our resources. Trouble is, the Capitalist system needs the former to buy the latter.


This is true. As far as globalist capitalism goes, the bigger the population the better. More population = more consumption = more profit. It is very short termist.


So when people debate the whys and wherefores of immigration, they ought to try and get out of the rut of the moral aspect of immigration and start to look at the economics of it.


In particular who the economic benefits of immigration go to, who they were always designed to benefit.

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I really don't understand some people. Some of the comments on this thread have surprised me.


Is there really a mass epidemic of people having children, just so they can claim benefits? I don't think there is. It happens, but it's not a problem that deserves suck drastic measures.


Attacking people who rely on state handouts is a really popular subject at the moment though. I suppose the sheep will always follow the shepherd :roll:

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That's why it's in italics dude :)


Any old numpty should NOT be allowed to reproduce, IMO


I know it's a difficult concept, but ANYTHING has to be better than the accidental births currently forced on society....


Pushing generations into cyclical retard production...and little else


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 01:00 ----------



This would appear to be the only way to do it


I have no issue with it at all - it's just a simple injection


And the effects are easily reversed....so if, as a fully functioning, contributing adult...these people prove themselves parentworthy...


Then it would be


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 01:03 ----------


What makes a good parent though? Now THAT is a good question


Ah yes - a good old fashioned Nazi. Why stop there, though? Fire up the gas chambers mein herr

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Ah yes - a good old fashioned Nazi. Why stop there, though? Fire up the gas chambers mein herr


dont be so dramatic:loopy: drama queens are us:roll: what Solomon1 says is perfectly sensible more common sense should be used like this

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dont be so dramatic:loopy: drama queens are us:roll: what Solomon1 says is perfectly sensible more common sense should be used like this


Well we all now what a certain little jumped up failed artist had in store for retards don't we. Be careful what you wish for, you'll likely end up on the list.

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