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No contraception, no dole

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And I think you are a mischievous troll. I cannot believe that any rational human being could come out with such illogical and half-baked claptrap as you have done.


Probably 'ivanava' by another name.:rolleyes:


Why do you think it illogical?


Why in you opinion should the tax payer support people that want more children than they can afford to support themselves?


There are already to many people on the planet so encouraging reckless breading through financial support is both illogical and dangerous for humanity.

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reckless breading


I am struggling to see what bread has got to do with it, but on principle I don't debate with trolls, so you'll have to work out the barn-door flaws in your 'reasoning' for yourself. :)

Edited by aliceBB
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With all due respect, I fail to see how there can be more misery than there already is.


If people didn't inadvertantly fall into parenthood, because they currently can....you would have people staying together because they really want to be with the other person, not because children are involved.


I feel that some sort of formalisation of parenting could be a really good thing, if nothing else, it would make people think whether they actually want children or not.


Many people have kids because society dictates it's the 'next step'.


Many people would rather not have had children at all, or had them under different circumstances, or with different partners.....

And they got trapped because they had spent about as much time thinking about the future, as they did about buying their next microwave meal


Help, support and education is fine, do-gooding interference with more and more legislation is not. The law should empower people to have enough responsibility to use common sense. You don't teach a child to become responsible by taking it away from them.

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There is something wrong with your logic if you think very low tax paying poor people support the wealthy.


No Low wages paid to herd working people that are then topped up by tax credits. Basically, the government are using our money to fund their business.


Landlords that increase their rent too high, leading to subsidies from the tax payers.


2 good examples of how tax money is keeping rich people rich at everyone's expense.

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A thread totally devoted to saying poor people can't have children! Thankfully, this idea is something we would never enforce........mainly because it's pathetically stupid.


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 17:36 ----------


The only sensible thing that's been mentioned on here is educating young adults about the responsibilities of parenthood. Everything else is a joke! Akin to some sort of social cleansing.


You got a point. It wasn't poor people I specifically targeted as being unfit although it prob came out that way. More poor people who prioritise their own selfish needs above their children.

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some on here seem to think its ok to let the taxpayer pick up the tab for children people cant afford to have , so why not let the taxpayer foot the bill for a new Bentley for me. same difference.


No it's not!? Otherwise the government would have a Bentley Support Agency.

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