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No contraception, no dole

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What if you work have 4 kids and lose your job? What if you unemployed and have triplets? Does the state have them? We'll still be paying and now they're in care - and that hasn't been working well.


You will be given a job which pays enough to support 4 children.

Triplets are very uncommon but again given enough work so that you can support three children.

People will learn that the consequences of having children will be more work, not more free money, this will encourage people to be less irresponsible.

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No Low wages paid to herd working people that are then topped up by tax credits. Basically, the government are using our money to fund their business.


Landlords that increase their rent too high, leading to subsidies from the tax payers.


2 good examples of how tax money is keeping rich people rich at everyone's expense.


Demand dictates rents . if you have a rental machine in a desirable area you can charge a premium , nowt wrong with that .

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None, but yet we allow people to have kids on JSA.


We allow people to buy Bentleys on JSA.


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 17:58 ----------


Demand dictates rents . if you have a rental machine in a desirable area you can charge a premium , nowt wrong with that .


Not when your tenants can't afford the rent.

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You will be given a job which pays enough to support 4 children.

Triplets are very uncommon but again given enough work so that you can support three children.

People will learn that the consequences of having children will be more work, not more free money, this will encourage people to be less irresponsible.


What jobs? Public sector? Private sector? How on earth do you make the private jobs for certain people? And a lot of people who work full time need help from the state anyway.

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a means test is a good starting point, background checks criminal etc credit .

A credit check?

An unpaid credit card bill and the government can take your womb away.


It sounds like a lovely system.

as i said before implants before would stop the need mostly for that.

No contraceptive is 100% effective. You'll need either abstinence or sterilisation to be totally sure that the poor don't blight this once mighty land.

[sterlisation] ... this is already done i believe for some mental patients.

I've found one case, and that took the High Court to do so - and that was after the man had had children already.


Can the compulsory sterlisation be appealable too?

And still, would you enforce termination? Or just take the child away once it was born?

I would like a brand new Bentley but i cant afford one

Children are not bought, however. They are made, free of charge.

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You will be given a job which pays enough to support 4 children.

Triplets are very uncommon but again given enough work so that you can support three children.

People will learn that the consequences of having children will be more work, not more free money, this will encourage people to be less irresponsible.


Given a job? Just like that?


What kind of job pays enough to support 4 kids? There's not enough hours in the day to support such a family on minimum wage. Fortunately, we have a benefits system that helps. Unfortunately it's being slashed year on year, which means people are struggling to give their children the care and attention they require.

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People will learn that the consequences of having children will be more work, not more free money, this will encourage people to be less irresponsible.

This is an argument for limiting benefit money to parents, and not forcing them to have contraception or, as some go further, sterilisation.


There is already a benefit cap. A limit as to what a family can claim. Is it not functioning to stop people having children?

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I am struggling to see what bread has got to do with it, but on principle I don't debate with trolls, so you'll have to work out the barn-door flaws in your 'reasoning' for yourself. :)


The reason you will not debate is because you can not answer the question.

You want poor people to have a choice based on forcing wealthy people to fund that choice.

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If this "law" was ever implemented, fast forward 30 years and threads on here will be titled "Castrate the poor at birth?"


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 18:12 ----------


The reason you will not debate is because you can not answer the question.

You want poor people to have a choice based on forcing wealthy people to fund that choice.


Poor people pay tax too. In fact they pay proportionately more of their income in tax than rich people do. Every tax payer is supporting children's lives. That's one thing I'm proud to be doing as a tax payer.

Edited by Bonzo77
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