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No contraception, no dole

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Where's this "fascism and barbarism" that you speak of?


Well, a good slogan such as "fascism" or "racism" is ideal for left wing ideologues. It removes the necessity of them having to think or to confront unpalatable truths.


Why bother thinking when you can parrot a perfectly good slogan, eh?

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id call allowing a mother and a baby(who has no choice in its circumstances) to have no money to live barbarism.


Where does the father come into this?




---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 13:00 ----------


Wow, have you thought about a job writing letters to tabloids?


I raised my two children with the help of Working Tax Credits and Child Benefit.

Does that make me feckless?


Don't think he meant that Halibut. He was pointing out that responsible people (including you I think) make a conscious decision whether to have a child or not. You know, the old thing people seem to have lost - common sense!




---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 13:04 ----------


When China was becoming over populated they introduced a tax on having any more than one child.

You may not agree with it, but it worked!



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Why bother thinking when you can parrot a perfectly good slogan, eh?


And the following is what? other than a not so perfectly good parroted slogan.


Well, a good slogan such as "fascism" or "racism" is ideal for left wing ideologues. It removes the necessity of them having to think or to confront unpalatable truths.



How would you define State enforced birth control politically, and/or as a social philosophy?

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You're arguing against yourself now. Yes having children is expensive but no, people don't make a "profit" when they have children and are on benefits. Another myth perpetrated by the likes of the Daily Mail


Not quite. My cousin-in-law has 10 children and has never worked a day in her life. None of the fathers have stayed or contribute. She lives in a six bedroom bungalow with £950 a month rent. Her food bills are in the region of £200 a week. She boasts about having at least a thousand pound a month to spend on what she wants after all the bills, food and kids are accounted for. All the kids have the latest gadgets and she has a people carrier less than two years old. She takes them all abroad on two week holidays every summer.


Scoff at the Daily Mail all you want, but she is proof that a life on benefits has provided her and her many children with a lifestyle that would not be attained if she was working, or indeed not possible to attain for a lot of people with jobs and far less children.

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Halibut is in fact one of the few people on this thread who has been talking sense. The rest are deeply worrying.


What is worrying is people like Halibut who don't believe there is anything inherently wrong at all about people bringing children into the world knowing full well they cannot independently support them.

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From one insanely fascist notion to another. Have I logged into Stormfront by mistake?


No Im not a facist just fed up with the current system as it is. Ok I will throw open the debate we have a small group of people who are long term unemployed usually with criminal records and take drugs having kids they cannot support and expecting us to pay for them.


It isnt just the Daily Mail talking here you only need to watch any benefit programme on tv as well as Jeremy Kyle.


Yes programmes pick the worst examples as it makes good tv but these people do exist its not a fabrication.


So my question to you is how do we solve the problem? Any ideas?

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Now the ball's been set in motion, I'll take it a bit further. I think they should deny benefits or tax credits to anybody who cannot be bothered to spell and punctuate correctly. They shouldn't be allowed to have children, either, as nobody wants a country full of the offspring of semi-literates. They should be forced to attend remedial classes and if they refuse, or fail to improve, they should chop their hands off. That'd solve the problem. There would be no deficit at all, then.


Job sorted.

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No, procreating should not be the exclusive right of those with money.

Simply limit the number of children that will receive child benefit to 2.


And if your "2" limitation is breached?



If the limit of two is breached, easy answer, the guilty receive no more brass after the two. If they go on to have another 10 kids the same rule applies, no more brass after the first two.



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Now the ball's been set in motion, I'll take it a bit further. I think they should deny benefits or tax credits to anybody who cannot be bothered to spell and punctuate correctly. They shouldn't be allowed to have children, either, as nobody wants a country full of the offspring of semi-literates. They should be forced to attend remedial classes and if they refuse, or fail to improve, they should chop their hands off. That'd solve the problem. There would be no deficit at all, then.


Job sorted.


Now you're cooking!:thumbsup:


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 13:59 ----------



Should the majority of religious people bow down to the non believers?


Should the non-believers bow down to the believers?

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