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No contraception, no dole

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Obviously we can't do that. Its selective breeding based on employability and is fascism.


Such a shame though that some of us are actually are incapable of bringing up children.


You would be heartbroken if you heard the stories I have of unrepentant heroin users constantly getting pregnant in the belief that they'll get more benefits. They never twig that they won't be able to keep the child. Not even this time :(


Those kids are part of the price we pay to live in a free society.


Indeed, the super rich and aristocracy are so good at raising their children that they sub contract it out to nannies and boarding schools.

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Can you explain this?


If someone has a baby and they can not afford to support it the money to support it will have to come from government coffers, the same place that state pensions come from, the more money the government spend on caring for babies the less money it will have for other things.

So how does having baby increase the amount of money that the government can pay out in pensions?

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If someone has a baby and they can not afford to support it the money to support it will have to come from government coffers, the same place that state pensions come from, the more money the government spend on caring for babies the less money it will have for other things.

So how does having baby increase the amount of money that the government can pay out in pensions?


Why are you in favour of attacking the poorest in society, yet you defend the most wealthy who are an even bigger drain on society? :huh:

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If someone has a baby and they can not afford to support it the money to support it will have to come from government coffers, the same place that state pensions come from, the more money the government spend on caring for babies the less money it will have for other things.

So how does having baby increase the amount of money that the government can pay out in pensions?


more babies now will mean in the future that thier will be a larger number of working age people to pay tax, and pay for a previous baby boom generation who are now in retirement and collecting a state pension.

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How does a baby pay for our pensions, surely if its parents can not support it without state help it will be taking money away from pensions.


Babies grow up and become tax paying adults.


If we stop having children then there will be more pensioners than there are tax paying adults.


It's called the age pyramid and modern western democracies are having a problem with it becoming inverted.

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Babies grow up and become tax paying adults.

Some do and some do not.



If we stop having children then there will be more pensioners than there are tax paying adults.
Not if pension age is increased.



It's called the age pyramid and modern western democracies are having a problem with it becoming inverted.


Which is doomed to fail, the larger it gets the greater the fall will be.


---------- Post added 03-01-2015 at 19:28 ----------


more babies now will mean in the future that thier will be a larger number of working age people to pay tax, and pay for a previous baby boom generation who are now in retirement and collecting a state pension.


More babies now will mean more land is built over, increasing the potential for flooding, it will decrease the amount of land available for farming, it will require more imports of just about everything, it will increase our energy consumption and accelerate global warming, it will accelerate species extinction, and create and even larger problem for future generations.

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actually implants should be fitted from birth for every girl born as a matter of course until they are of an age where they can support morally & financially and can bring a child into the world that is genuinely wanted and loved.

the workshy would be unable to breed unless they have the financial resources to do it properly and in fact had to obtain a licence even?


Would you really agree that your baby daughter should have an implant - an invasive medical procedure - these always carry risks. Or indeed, your baby boy - if you are up for slicing and dicing babies why be sexist about it?

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