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What is your opinion on Amey and their attitude to trees?

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Hi everyone :)


Was very sad today to hear about the mass destruction of trees underway in certain parts of Sheffield :cry:


I've noticed many old familiar individuals near me have vanished in recent years, or been pruned within an inch of their life, for no apparent reason...


Have enjoyed many years of sympathetic tree management, so...


Am wondering why this is all happening now?


Have you heard of the company Amey, beeing tasked with managing our trees?


What are your thoughts on the heavy-handed way they appear to have carried this out?


I and many others are pretty upset with them!! :rant:



As Always


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I love to see trees, they are good for the environment,but they need to be managed and inspected by the Council, especially if they're close to houses.


Root problems causing blocked drains, weak trees blowing over in heavy winds, and other problems.

Haven't you thought of things like that Solomon?

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Root problems causing blocked drains, weak trees blowing over in heavy winds, and other problems.

Haven't you thought of things like that Solomon?


Of course, just as I think about how dangerous cars are


Doesn't mean I look at every car with suspicion :)


I've noticed that trees are regularly blamed for all kinds of things, with no proof. Just lazy blame.


Do you know anyone who's had problems with trees that have blown over or blocked drains?


Because in 15 years I have heard of zero cases


Makes a nice story for corporates like Amey though - to fell mature trees for absolutely no feckin reason at all :shakes:


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 22:18 ----------


Who actually decides the fate of each tree? Is it Amey or SCC?


It is Amey


They will then have to put in a Section 211 notice, if it's in a conservation area


Which is literally just 6 weeks notice that felling will take place


Appeals to SCC for Tree Preservation Orders need to be made before this time


---------- Post added 04-01-2015 at 22:20 ----------


There have been numerous calls in our area to get trees removed but they will do nothing.


For what reason Spilldig?


If you say daylight, I'm literally gonna come round tomorrow morning and drag you out yer house and sit you outside! :hihi:


Daylight my feckin ass

Edited by Solomon1
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They destroyed the central reservation vegetation with a flail. I was told they were replainting it but they never did.


Seems very hard to get answers or info on anything they do though.




Something needs to be done about this friggin company! :rant:


Any suggestions Neek? :)

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I agree very annoying to see trees felled for daft reasons such as the pavement is slightly uneven or its blocking light into someones house or sap is falling on their car. ... (what awful things we have to deal with!).. maybe its an idea to shoot all the birds to stop their noisy chirping and droppings as well, or build a massive dome to stop rain and snow falling??... :P.

Imo id rather put up with the annoyances and have an abundance of trees than a barren city. trees keep areas cool in the summer, make un-maintained and dirty areas look nicer, clean the air and provide homes for wildlife. (and give Sheffield its green reputation)


Obviously trees have to be felled if they are causing genuine issues, like damage to foundations/roofs/drains or are diseased. These trees should be replaced and the residents better informed that this is going to happen and maybe where the new tree will be located. (wouldn't take much to do this.. a recyclable leaflet through the door or a big notice stuck on the tree a decent amount of time before it is due to be felled.???).

This is what Amey need to do better!



Also i think we need to remember us humans are animals and rely on nature to survive. we need to stop trying to fight it because its sometimes slightly annoying and dirty and gets in the way of our ''civilized'' and ''organised'' society.


Ok rant over... i sound a right tree hugging hippy!! :/


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 02:47 ----------


Also..... just gunna leave this here ....



800 year old wood could be destroyed for a 'much needed' (cough cough) hotel and service station down the road from meadowhall, which has hotels and petrol stations surrounding it already!

Edited by drummer54as
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They destroyed the central reservation vegetation with a flail. I was told they were replainting it but they never did.


Seems very hard to get answers or info on anything they do though.


Down St Mary's Gate? I never did understand why they did that.


A lot of the trees though are supposedly reaching the end of their lifespan and need replacing, and are also of an inappropriate type really, so will be replaced with something different.

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