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Shipping disasters. Is it me? or do they appear 'top heavy'?

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Because of recent events! If everything is calculated as you say, then something happened to cause the cargo to shift, or the heaviest items were not at the bottom! This caused the ship to list, and therefore the captain took the precaution of grounding it on a sandbank.


The car-freighter in the Wight Channel was dumped there on purpose as it was listing, most likely miss-loaded which someone is definitely going to get sacked for. It could however also be technical, these ships have their fuel and water tanks (and ballast tanks frequently use seawater as well) positioned so that the weight can be pumped from side to side, depending on the needs (for example a long run with a strong wind on one side). (One of those gizmos I mentioned).


The cement freighter seems to have been caught out in the typical North Sea storms of this time of year. Waves can reach 15 meters high in some spots, it looks like it was quite an old ship as well.


Modern ships have very strict compartmentalisation, meaning that it is practically impossible to sink them in the way that this ship has. Unfortunately this seems a case of bad decisions by the captain who possibly didn't know the limitations of his ship very well - alternatively it could be that the ship snapped on the crest of a particularly high wave. Lloyd's will do a full review so we should find out what happened.

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Because of recent events! If everything is calculated as you say, then something happened to cause the cargo to shift, or the heaviest items were not at the bottom! This caused the ship to list, and therefore the captain took the precaution of grounding it on a sandbank.


So we've had one issue, with one ship, that was only a third full of cargo, with no cargo on the top deck from what I can see, and you conclude all ships are having a problem?


That's er quite a jump in logic there.

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So we've had one issue, with one ship, that was only a third full of cargo, with no cargo on the top deck from what I can see, and you conclude all ships are having a problem?


That's er quite a jump in logic there.


Where did I say all ships are having a problem?....I suggest you re-read the posts...


I said they 'looked' top heavy to me....Inviting discussion....

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I've read it again Pete...


You said "like they seem to build ships these days which 'appear to me' to be top heavy."


That's a general description of all ships. Indiciating you think there is a problem with them.


I indicated why it's was the case and you then said "So based on that...Someone seems to be screwing up ?"


Like I said - I cannot see how you can get from a refutation by me an others to the conclusion that "Someone seems to be screwing up" for ships these days that are built too heavy....

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I've read it again Pete...


You said "like they seem to build ships these days which 'appear to me' to be top heavy."


That's a general description of all ships. Indiciating you think there is a problem with them.


I indicated why it's was the case and you then said "So based on that...Someone seems to be screwing up ?"


Like I said - I cannot see how you can get from a refutation by me an others to the conclusion that "Someone seems to be screwing up" for ships these days that are built too heavy....


Did you not notice the words in quotes?...."appear to me"....What would that suggest to you?


Oh, and I'm not refuting any of the science proffered by you or others.


Ships don't sink for no reason...If it's not a mechanical or a design problem then logic would suggest human error...:)

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Random listing? Thats quite weird.


They'd said it was only 1/3 full of cargo, and indicated they didn't believe that was the problem.


Actually I am not sure now, I might have misread something, I thought I had read it somewhere but it isn't mentioned in any of the news stories now...


However, as far as I know (A friend of mine was first mate on one of these for a while) these types of ships usually are loaded from the top down, it isn't like the Herald Free Enterprise where the front door was open leading to the sinking.


Anyway, all speculation. In the end it doesn't really matter, shipping is incredibly safe as long as the crew is skilled.

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Jesus Christ....


You said you thought there appeared to be a problem with ships. That was refuted. You then said you didn't say that about all ships?


In the post above you then said that you do think there is a problem?


Are you actually interested in an answer or just going along on your normal preconceived opinion - in which case why ask for an answer?


Ships don't sink for no reason no. But "looking top heavy" to you is not the reason why this ships sort of didn't sink and beached instead.

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