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Shipping disasters. Is it me? or do they appear 'top heavy'?

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When transporters are loaded, ballast water is moved from one part of the ship to another. This maintains a level deck for loading purposes and finally for its main journey.


Navigating in narrow channels in tidal conditions requires tight turns to which transporters are particularly vulnerable as they have through decks where a domino like movement can push a deckfull to one side of the ship. In the past this kind of incident has been associated with wind, collision avoiding, thruster failure, engine failure, ballast pumping failure, a whole letting in water, incorrect loading, human and computer failure. Usually more than one at the same time.


A top heavy appearance is often caused by the our old fashioned view of ships made of iron and steel with holds carrying heavy solid cargoes.


Containers are mostly air with a large percentage of plastic and packing. The weight of each container is known and computers will place place heavier loads centrally and lower down.

Holiday ships are designed to maximise their hotel like features so there is much use of aluminium, other light alloys and space.

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Jesus Christ....


You said you thought there appeared to be a problem with ships. That was refuted. You then said you didn't say that about all ships?


In the post above you then said that you do think there is a problem?


Are you actually interested in an answer or just going along on your normal preconceived opinion - in which case why ask for an answer?


Ships don't sink for no reason no. But "looking top heavy" to you is not the reason why this ships sort of didn't sink and beached instead.


Let's face it if 'I' said the sky was blue, you would give me 101 reasons why 'scientifically' it isn't....

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Are you actually interested in an answer or just going along on your normal preconceived opinion - in which case why ask for an answer?


He didn't ask for an answer, in fact, quite the opposite.


I know I'll probably get slated for this thread and advised of the technicalities etc...


It's another troll post where he just wants to post his theories, but only wants other like-minded people to post their acceptance, not debate or discussion on the validity of those theories. He know's they're probably wrong, but it's much more fun to blame anonymous ship designers and crew for clearly being idiots than it is to have a sensible discussion about ship design.


He's said before he doesn't post things to discuss the rights and wrongs of that topic, he does it to get others to post, and apparently this is the sort of topics we should have on this forum rather than the normal topics where people might get told they don't understand something they don't understand.


The forum is much better once you put him on ignore and don't bother reading his trolling attempts.

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Let's face it if 'I' said the sky was blue, you would give me 101 reasons why 'scientifically' it isn't....


Why would I when the sky obviously appears to be blue?


You have a habit I'm afraid of asking questions, not liking the answer and then getting hold of the wrong end of the stick. And when that's pointed out, you complain and say people are being argumentative. It's a tedious pattern, it's only complete when your sidekick appears to support you, and as I've said before it's very unbecoming of a moderator. It is in fact a pattern of eliciting a response similar to that employed by trolls.


You've been given the answer. If you don't like it, tough luck, but don't be implying that myself and the other posters on here helping you are deficit in some way.

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He didn't ask for an answer, in fact, quite the opposite.




It's another troll post where he just wants to post his theories, but only wants other like-minded people to post their acceptance, not debate or discussion on the validity of those theories. He know's they're probably wrong, but it's much more fun to blame anonymous ship designers and crew for clearly being idiots than it is to have a sensible discussion about ship design.


He's said before he doesn't post things to discuss the rights and wrongs of that topic, he does it to get others to post, and apparently this is the sort of topics we should have on this forum rather than the normal topics where people might get told they don't understand something they don't understand.


The forum is much better once you put him on ignore and don't bother reading his trolling attempts.


Words fail me!....How insulting?....Or are you posting to elicit an extreme reaction?

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