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Drug prohibition costs lives

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If it was not offered to everyone how would it be defined as legal.


Wow, you're really going for it tonight; one crass comment followed straight away by another.


Since when has a things legality been linked to it having to be offered to everyone? Clue: never.



It's legal for me to own an air rifle. Does that mean everyone must be offered an air rifle?


You have a real issue with thinking.

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Ok #123


I asked would legalising cannabis generated tax revenue. You answered "Not when it is offered for free."


I I asked if heroin is currently easy to get hold of. You answered "Not as easy as it would be if it was offered for free at every pharmacy."


This is the post you responded too.



So do you think giving it away for free on it own without rehab would decrease or increase consumption?


And do you think offering rehab to every user would make no difference to consumption unless free drugs are also available?


Are you seriously suggesting that rehab would only work if drugs are freely available to anyone that wants them?


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 21:46 ----------


Not to the point I made.



Why quote me if you did not want to get involved with the descusion about them being offered for free.

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It does disappoint me that I'm paying your wages, but it doesn't surprise me that you do. You write and appear to think like a politician/ideologist... in an absolutely clueless manner to suit the people who pay your money.




I don't doubt you do. I would expect nothing less.




Bold, you mean because you are told how to think.


2nd bold: Yes I read that, and you misunderstood it. You think just black and white as has been shown by all your posts so far.


Considering you teach CBT you should really understand addiction more before trying to use Pavlovian ideology as the be all and end all. The full picture is about managing different aspects of addiction, and one of the main problems is the supply chain, and the criminals that control it. This could easily be taken out of the frame, and save billions (yes billions, and I can back up any claim I make with evidence).


This the drugs war which you claim is unwinnable (and on this you could be right, because nothing is entirely ideal), IS actually perfectly capable of being controlled. The bottom line is that no politicians are willing to put their balls on the line.


Heroin for starters since we're discussing that one, is perfectly capable of being grown cheaply and harvested and used within the NHS, and could reduce crime in one swoop, not to mention the health of the patients that it deals with. i.e. there wouldn't be as many.


As for MDMA, your colleagues handed this out not many years ago, what's changed in your mind about this? It's perfectly usable drug which helped people with problems (depression/marital probs etc.), and if control is kept, then many people can enjoy this drug and feel great. As it is now, it's nice for people who find good supplies, but the majority is in the hands of people who couldn't care less. It's never killed anyone. The only thing that kills people is crap suppliers, and bad education, or misuse (which applies to anything legal now).




Utter rubbish.




They hand out anti-depressants now. Anti-psychotics etc. Do you believe that all these are safe/ harmless and can't be misused?




No wonder people avoid tax. You alone are one reason why I don't want to pay into a system that has such nonsense. Like I said though, you are quite clearly just posting your taught thoughts based on your career.


Public feeling on the war on drugs is so deverse, but there is no point whatsoever in dismissing a Yes or No vote, because the divide is so wide. Of course there is success in rehabiltation, but a higher degree of failure, but in support of legalisation, this could only work with education, and because health officials are not in a position to check the quality of the product that is purchased on street corners, and the education system is not in a position to effectively warn individuals of the risks involved. I accept that.

As far as being clueless, it would be fair to say in my defence that I see the results of drug misuse at its worst, and my honest thoughts regarding my views are from the heart, and if the politicians and the GMC can come up with a solution, then I hope it works.

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Wow, you're really going for it tonight; one crass comment followed straight away by another.


Since when has a things legality been linked to it having to be offered to everyone? Clue: never.



It's legal for me to own an air rifle. Does that mean everyone must be offered an air rifle?


You have a real issue with thinking.


What is currently legal that is not available to everyone?

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There are many senior medical professionals, including ones who work in the drug use field and study the issue, who think that decriminalisation is the obvious way forwards with regards to reducing harm.

Frankly I'm surprised to see a health professional that doesn't understand that and who appears to be regurgitating a line from south park "drugs are bad, mkay".


Sometime soon Cyclone, you may see the world from a "NON" cyclone viewpoint.

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The context of the topic is making drugs legal, legal drugs offered for free would have to be offered to everyone with no limits and no clauses.



no it's not, the topic is regarding drug prohibition costing lives.


Only the seriously liberal minded would ever contemplate offering drugs to all with no limit and no clauses..


oh wait, that's the situation we have now due to prohibition.

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