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Drug prohibition costs lives

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no it's not, the topic is regarding drug prohibition costing lives.


Only the seriously liberal minded would ever contemplate offering drugs to all with no limit and no clauses..


oh wait, that's the situation we have now due to prohibition.


Prohibition the action of forbidding something, especially by law.


The opposite of prohibition would be permitted, especially by law.


Making it legal would be the result of ending prohibition.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 18:22 ----------


are you joking? the list would be massive.

The name of one item should be easy to supply in that case.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 18:24 ----------


Prescribed drugs?


They are available to everyone and very often abused.



A nation of prescription drug addicts: More Britons die from abusing painkillers and tranquillisers than heroin and cocaine


807 people died overdosing on prescription drugs last year, figures reveal

In total, 32,000 Britons are thought to be addicted to painkiller medication




Edited by anfisa
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As far as being clueless, it would be fair to say in my defence that I see the results of drug misuse at its worst, and my honest thoughts regarding my views are from the heart


I completely understand where your coming from,

I once had a very similar discussion with a nurse, her whole experience had been with the negative impacts drugs had on people which obviously helped form her opinions. She never really heard any positive drugs stories and was surprised that I knew so many people who had no real negative drug experiences in their lives.

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This is the post you responded too.






Why quote me if you did not want to get involved with the descusion about them being offered for free.


Who said anything about drugs being offered for free? What the hell are you on about? Why can't you hold your hands up and admit your mistake?!

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Because Smithy doesn't make "mistakes". Smithy is intentionally obtuse.


Back me up here. Post #123, he does mention cannabis being given for free, doesn't he? He also mentions heroin being freely available to everyone?

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Back me up here. Post #123, he does mention cannabis being given for free, doesn't he? He also mentions heroin being freely available to everyone?


It doesn't matter Bonzo...Resident Evil has the ability to bastardize context so it just becomes a game of words. We mostly see Blue when it's put before us but he'll introduce Red even though he sees Blue and knows it's Blue. Basically, an arse.

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Who said anything about drugs being offered for free? What the hell are you on about? Why can't you hold your hands up and admit your mistake?!


I just quoted one of my posts have a look back from that post.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 19:16 ----------


Back me up here. Post #123, he does mention cannabis being given for free, doesn't he? He also mentions heroin being freely available to everyone?


Post 123 I do not say anything about cannabis or heroin, you introduced those to drugs in response to the previous post.


The rest of your post is not relevant to the point I made and your failure to answer the questions tells me that you can not demonstrate that the point I made was inaccurate.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 08:38 ----------



Non of which is relevant to the point I made which you claimed was incorrect.



Not when it is offered for free.

Not as easy as it would be if it was offered for free at every pharmacy.


This was the post you responded to, why did you respond if you did not want to answer the questions.

So do you think giving it away for free on it own without rehab would decrease or increase consumption?


And do you think offering rehab to every user would make no difference to consumption unless free drugs are also available?


Are you seriously suggesting that rehab would only work if drugs are freely available to anyone that wants them?


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 21:46 ----------


Not to the point I made.

Edited by anfisa
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I just quoted one of my posts have a look back from that post.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 19:16 ----------



Post 123 I do not say anything about cannabis or heroin, you introduced those to drugs in response to the previous post.


Would you rather take illicit drugs or prescribed drugs?



What're your favourite drugs?

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