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Drug prohibition costs lives

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And as that article very clearly identifies, the programme of free heroin on prescription and all the other help offered to addicts has done outstandingly well in cutting heroin use and reducing the harms associated with it.


Incidentally, have you not spent pages enthusiastically claiming the exact opposite? No wonder you had to be forced into providing the source.

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And as that article very clearly identifies, the programme of free heroin on prescription and all the other help offered to addicts has done outstandingly well in cutting heroin use and reducing the harms associated with it.


Incidentally, have you not spent pages enthusiastically claiming the exact opposite? No wonder you had to be forced into providing the source.


I new that you would dismiss the fact that it does not cut the number of users, it just hides the problem away from public view.


It also does not stop heroin smuggling into the Netherlands, so if it is being smuggled in their must still be users the authorities do not know about.

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Why do you consider drug rehab to be a waste of time, and consider supplying heroin to drug addicts to be more sensible than taking drugs out of their lives.


I thought you had the ability to read? Perhaps you'd notice that I think rehab is a good idea, one that addicts should be forced into by visiting a health professional, rather that having to voluntary attend. Basically, if they want their clean, safe supply of drugs, they're going to have to talk to a health professional who is going to try and get you to cut down, or stop all together.

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I thought you had the ability to read? Perhaps you'd notice that I think rehab is a good idea, one that addicts should be forced into by visiting a health professional, rather that having to voluntary attend. Basically, if they want their clean, safe supply of drugs, they're going to have to talk to a health professional who is going to try and get you to cut down, or stop all together.


No sorry you had not made that very clear, the only thing that was clear is your abusive responses to most of my posts and your unfounded accusation that I lied, but thank you for clarifying your stance.

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I new that you would dismiss the fact that it does not cut the number of users, it just hides the problem away from public view.


It also does not stop heroin smuggling into the Netherlands, so if it is being smuggled in their must still be users the authorities do not know about.


It's clear that the Netherlands need to do more to help the user's off the drug. What's also clear, is that young people are not taking up the drug. So the majority of users will have died out within half a generation.


Crime has dropped within the user's age group also. The death rate has dropped.


There can definitely be more done. A lot more. But I don't see how this can be worse than throwing someone into the perpetual cycle of prison, sheltered housing, drug use and back into prison.

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I new that you would dismiss the fact that it does not cut the number of users, it just hides the problem away from public view.


It also does not stop heroin smuggling into the Netherlands, so if it is being smuggled in their must still be users the authorities do not know about.


The number of users in the Netherlands has decreased.

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I new that you would dismiss the fact that it does not cut the number of users, it just hides the problem away from public view.


The number of users in the Netherlands has decreased.




Consistency never was one of your strong points was it?

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Consistency never was one of your strong points was it?


But not because it was given away for free.


And chopping most of the sentence off to give the impression I agreed with you does not change the facts, free does not decrease consumption.

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But not because it was given away for free.


And chopping most of the sentence off to give the impression I agreed with you does not change the facts, free does not decrease consumption.


It quite clearly does, but I'll indulge you, you amuse me. What does decrease consumption?

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