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Drug prohibition costs lives

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So, looked this stuff up on wikipedia (yes I know) and it sounds like it can cause some pretty er undesirable effects including various forms of brain damage and damage to motor functions. Essentially it is bad for you.


I don't like the idea of this stuff being available at all. Its a tough one, perhaps we could turn the tables for once and challenge those who advocate taking it/ making it available to suggest a way to discourage its use since it seems to be undisputed that it is bad for you.


Which substance have you looked up? MDMA or PMA?


Salt will will you and you can buy that!

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It's not an unknown substance apparently, and they're not mixing it with MDMA, they're using it to replace MDMA because MDMA production has been clamped down on, as I detailed in the OP:


"they all appear to have taken a drug called PMA (phenoxymethylamphetamine). We presume that they did not know this was what was in the pills bearing the Superman logo that they bought – it seems likely they thought it was ecstasy (MDMA)."


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 18:26 ----------



Because it's fun.


Am I to take it from your question that you never consume alcohol or caffeine or nicotine?


And that you don't understand the common behavior of most normal people who do partake in one or more of those drugs?


I used to drink and smoke. Smoking, I realised was not conducive to my health and one sober night down town made me realise what a bunch of dicks most drunks are.

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you could also die if you dont get enough salt, I doubt the same applies to most banned recreational drugs.


Ha-ha, not really a great argument though!


Holland and other parts of the world you can safely test recreational drugs without fear off arrest. People will take them so make it safe. Shame we don't adopt the same approach.

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It the public perception of drugs that is the key. A poster said earlier that the war on drugs cannot be won. Maybe, but the war on educating children on the peril of its misuse is alive and kicking.

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I though the war against drugs was supposed to do that. Not really working though is it!


Until they find a better way, why not make taking them safer!


Why not just go straight to finding the better way? Lets have some suggestions.

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It depresses me, hoping that that my children won't, realistically knowing that they probably will experiment with recreational drugs other than alcohol and nicotine. They will buy these from someone who does not care if they are selling something that will kill them or do them serious long term harm. Mixed with things that they not what. I would legalise these drugs. Protect our children and those adults who do partake. It would be so much safer and cheaper. And it wouldn't criminalise a whole swathe of society who are supplying a demand.

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