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Drug prohibition costs lives

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I hope you're happy with the amount of your tax that goes towards fighting the never ending war on drugs and criminalising recreational users?


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 18:08 ----------



You're the one in denial.


Maybe you should pop down to one of my outpatient days, and see just how well drugs affect recreational users. When you have the parents of a 19yr old sobbing in your office whilst their post graduate son is grabbing his mother by the throat.


Education and a widespread witch-hunt of the dealers, support for families and the addicted relatives. And criminalization of those who promote it as "recreational"

Nobody has any idea of what these dealers and part time club captains are pushing, and its always someones elses problem to clear up the mess. If I can break the habit of just one person, it makes my job worthwhile but for every one addict that is cleaned, there are another ten being promoted into the mix by the scandalous notion that drugs are "Recreational"

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Maybe you should pop down to one of my outpatient days, and see just how well drugs affect recreational users. When you have the parents of a 19yr old sobbing in your office whilst their post graduate son is grabbing his mother by the throat.


Education and a widespread witch-hunt of the dealers, support for families and the addicted relatives. And criminalization of those who promote it as "recreational"

Nobody has any idea of what these dealers and part time club captains are pushing, and its always someones elses problem to clear up the mess. If I can break the habit of just one person, it makes my job worthwhile but for every one addict that is cleaned, there are another ten being promoted into the mix by the scandalous notion that drugs are "Recreational"


I find it rather worrying that you hold these views whilst you appear to be involved with drug users seeking treatment.


The reality is that for the great majority of users, their use is indeed recreational and doesn't significantly negatively impact on their lives.


As a professional person one might think that you would actually review all the available evidence and instead of calling for people to be criminalised for telling the truth, you would call for drugs to be decriminalised.

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Maybe you should pop down to one of my outpatient days, and see just how well drugs affect recreational users. When you have the parents of a 19yr old sobbing in your office whilst their post graduate son is grabbing his mother by the throat.


Education and a widespread witch-hunt of the dealers, support for families and the addicted relatives. And criminalization of those who promote it as "recreational"

Nobody has any idea of what these dealers and part time club captains are pushing, and its always someones elses problem to clear up the mess. If I can break the habit of just one person, it makes my job worthwhile but for every one addict that is cleaned, there are another ten being promoted into the mix by the scandalous notion that drugs are "Recreational"


It? Can you be more specific?

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Do we think that if drugs are legalised (which I've real problem with as such) that the violent drug organisations will become all nice and put fair trade sugar to pad out their wares or will they stick with rat poison and use violence when necessary?


Hopefully if they legalised it, then the drugs sold would be regulated and unadulterated. Then the young who take these regulated drugs would at least know the dose and the strength of what they are taking. No, I know it isn't the perfect situation, but where we are is very far from perfect.

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Maybe you should pop down to one of my outpatient days, and see just how well drugs affect recreational users. When you have the parents of a 19yr old sobbing in your office whilst their post graduate son is grabbing his mother by the throat.


Education and a widespread witch-hunt of the dealers, support for families and the addicted relatives. And criminalization of those who promote it as "recreational"

Nobody has any idea of what these dealers and part time club captains are pushing, and its always someones elses problem to clear up the mess. If I can break the habit of just one person, it makes my job worthwhile but for every one addict that is cleaned, there are another ten being promoted into the mix by the scandalous notion that drugs are "Recreational"


I find it hard to believe that you are capable of helping anyone with that attitude toward drugs and worrying if you are indeed involved in any process that is supposed to support users.

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Hopefully if they legalised it, then the drugs sold would be regulated and unadulterated. Then the young who take these regulated drugs would at least know the dose and the strength of what they are taking. No, I know it isn't the perfect situation, but where we are is very far from perfect.


So the drug dealers will either disappear or be the next Scottish & Newcastle or the next british american tobacco? You have a significant number of criminals making serious money, some of it no doubt to fund terrorism. They aren't going to just go away.

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