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Drug prohibition costs lives

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Why the hell would you put non prescribed drugs in your body in order to alter your state of mind?


Calm down and have a sip of coffee, just make sure you get it on prescription.




---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 13:33 ----------


So the drug dealers will either disappear or be the next Scottish & Newcastle or the next british american tobacco? You have a significant number of criminals making serious money, some of it no doubt to fund terrorism. They aren't going to just go away.

I didn't realise putting violent criminal gangs out of business was a reason against decriminalisation/legalisation.



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You don't speak for those of us who chose not to use them either, but happen to be intelligent enough to understand the point the OP made.


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 07:27 ----------



Ask the millions of people that have a beer in the evening... :huh:


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 07:30 ----------



The better way is to minimise harm in the first place, by regulating, controlling and taxing the supply.

And ultimately adults should be free to take whatever they like. What right does anyone else have to stop them?


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 07:31 ----------



If you work with people who are affected by drugs then how can you possibly not want to minimise harm by regulating the industry instead of criminalising it?


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 07:32 ----------



They will very rapidly go out of business. Simply because the customers they have will disappear and instead 'shop' at the local pharmacy.


Sorry, didn't know alcohol was classed as a drug. :huh:

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Sorry, didn't know alcohol was classed as a drug. :huh:


I really don't know how to respond to that. Do you want a chemistry lesson? An English lesson? Or just some advice to go away and learn about a topic at least a little before entering into debate on it...

You didn't think alcohol was a drug... Flabbergasted.


Edit - I've just seen your signature. Ironic isn't it.

Life is for living! A life having being lived is not turning up at the pearly gates in a pristine body, it's sliding in on your knees, body tattered, torn and worn out shouting " What a rush."
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I really don't know how to respond to that. Do you want a chemistry lesson? An English lesson? Or just some advice to go away and learn about a topic at least a little before entering into debate on it...

You didn't think alcohol was a drug... Flabbergasted.


Edit - I've just seen your signature. Ironic isn't it.


You are doing a nice line in insults today Cyclone.

If you go back to the op you will see that the discussion was about illegal drugs.

It was probably my fault I should have said ' illegal drug'

But I thank you for pointing out my oversight.

P.s. What has my signature to do with illegal drugs?

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The UK's consumption of legal drugs is significantly higher than its consumption of illegal drugs, this implies that legalising a drug is more likley to increase consumption of that drug. The UK also as a problem with fake tobaco and alcohol, so legalizing a drug is no guarantee that the drug you take will be safer than an illegal drug. So my opinion is that legalising drugs will increase consumption without improving safety.

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The UK's consumption of legal drugs is significantly higher than its consumption of illegal drugs, this implies that legalising a drug is more likley to increase consumption of that drug.

:lol: No it doesn't :lol:


Though the large number of actual studies done on this issue do tend to show that legalising drugs (i.e. studies done in actual places that have actually legalised/decriminalised them) reduces consumption of them.

The UK also as a problem with fake tobaco and alcohol, so legalizing a drug is no guarantee that the drug you take will be safer than an illegal drug. So my opinion is that legalising drugs will increase consumption without improving safety.
And what a finely crafted opinion it is too :)


There is illegal alcohol being sold, and, occasionally it does kill or blind someone- but it's black market stuff, so, easily avoided.


Is there fake alcohol in supermarkets? Could be, after all, there's an epidemic of fake olive oil, and, recently the fake beef (horse meat) scandel.


But, if there is, it's not killing people, so it's not like it's moonshine. And, it's very much in the supermarkets interests to ensure it doesn't happen.


Certainly, looking at heroin where pretty much 100% is certainly cut with toxins and with zero packaging showing the strength, it's clear why many users overdose.


If it were regulated and legal, we'd have pretty much zero (accidental) heroin overdoses, and, in the very small number of cases where some fake stuff did slip through, the total harm from heroin would still be a fraction of what it currently is.

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:lol: No it doesn't :lol:


Though the large number of actual studies done on this issue do tend to show that legalising drugs (i.e. studies done in actual places that have actually legalised/decriminalised them) reduces consumption of them.

And what a finely crafted opinion it is too :)



Which country as legalised drugs and then seen a reduction in drug use?

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