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Does god get fed up with trolls starting multiple threads on SF?

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What do you think? Does god get a little bit pee'd off with trolls starting multiple inane pointless threads on sheffield forum? Mind you, I guess they blend in well with a lot of the other threads, so maybe he doesn't mind so much. If he did mind though, do you think he could arrange to have the trolls all spontaneously combust (just for fun)?


I dont understand peoples problems with trolls. If they posted a pointless post that I had no interest in I would just not reply and ignore it. Simple dont feed the trolls.


To be honest these threads get removed or deleted by the mods anyway so dont have a problem.


Its like all the people who complain about the most famous troll Katie Hopkins. If people didnt give her publicity she would just disappear.

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...To be honest these threads get removed or deleted by the mods anyway so dont have a problem...

I've noticed that there appears to be some sort of inverse proportional law that governs the length of time these threads exist.


The more popular the forum the less time before they get deleted...


... funny in't it? ;)

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People take this forum far too seriously. I believe it is because they are actually suffering from an inferiority complex and the only place they feel important is on here. Pretty sad really that they feel the need to boss people around on here just to get some value into their lives.I imagine that in the real world they are quite sad and lonely individuals.


The light-hearted forum users that start humorous threads are my favourite people on here.

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People take this forum far too seriously. I believe it is because they are actually suffering from an inferiority complex and the only place they feel important is on here. Pretty sad really that they feel the need to boss people around on here just to get some value into their lives.I imagine that in the real world they are quite sad and lonely individuals.


The light-hearted forum users that start humorous threads are my favourite people on here.


Oh they are my favourite too but its not the posters that have a problem its the mods.


I find trolls either amusing or if they are boring I just ignore them and move on.

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I've noticed that there appears to be some sort of inverse proportional law that governs the length of time these threads exist.


The more popular the forum the less time before they get deleted...


... funny in't it? ;)


SF Top Tip; If you have a thread that you don't think will last long and you want it to stay up as long as possible, post it at 02:59am and it should stay up for an hour at least whilst the forum is down.

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