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Too fat to work.

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70 stone man, the ch4 ones Shut In and the supersize guys new one pitching fat people against each other.

The embarrassing fat bodies series and the Big Body Squad.


I'm maybe a cynic but being led by the nose to accept hatred of other people for whatever reason always makes me wonder what else they are hiding.


Do you believe that the government are somehow coercing independent TV channels to create these programs?

Or is it more likely that there are a number of people who will happily watch them, and that's why they get made?

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Do you believe that the government are somehow coercing independent TV channels to create these programs?

Or is it more likely that there are a number of people who will happily watch them, and that's why they get made?


I don't think that after PMQ's they don face masks and sit around a table gleefully plotting to blame a certain section of society no :)


I don't find it too hard to believe that lower level minions of gov or 'advisors' steer things towards the easiest victims to scapegoat though.


Burying bad news was widely accepted as common practice when it hit the media so I believe that there is a link.


There is an appetite for these programmes so they get made, but I think the appetite is encouraged by people who use it to smokescreen other things.

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Do you believe that the government are somehow coercing independent TV channels to create these programs?

Or is it more likely that there are a number of people who will happily watch them, and that's why they get made?


Probably a little bit of both.


I love the mock outrage that erupts on Facebook every time a programme of this nature is aired, they are eliciting the exact response that the makers are looking for.


I think people would be better off avoiding these programmes and instead focus their ire on the people who created the benefits systems that allow undeserving people to claim large amounts and the real culprits of tax avoidance.

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Are you saying its all fake and these people dont exist? Or are you unhappy that actually these programmes are focusing on the spongers in the system that need dealing with.


Not at all, where did I say that?


Are you saying its all fake and these people dont exist? Or are you unhappy that actually these programmes are focusing on the spongers in the system that need dealing with.


That was an either or post, and it was neither mally.




I set my TV box to record things, mainly documentaries, so I can pick out good ones, or ones that I like - that's pretty straight forward. This (which I expected really to be badly done given the channel it was on) was poor narrating from the start. If someone couldn't see that, then I would suggest that they are incapable of noticing an intentional provocative nature...


For example, in this case it was showing a couple of people. The bloke (marrying one) was clearly on full benefits, that is, no other income. Since all his income is state given money then I don't see the necessity to include in just about every sentence the words ... 'paid for by the state'.


He's eating a burger paid for by the state. He's living in a property paid by the state. He's renting a wheelchair thing paid for by the state. He has a nurse paid for by the state. I don't need something repeating 100 times when I'm capable of grasping this from the programme title, and the first scene.


For that reason I turned it off because it wasn't my cup of tea (though I have since watched it all the way through).

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Probably a little bit of both.


I love the mock outrage that erupts on Facebook every time a programme of this nature is aired, they are eliciting the exact response that the makers are looking for.


I think people would be better off avoiding these programmes and instead focus their ire on the people who created the benefits systems that allow undeserving people to claim large amounts and the real culprits of tax avoidance.


I don't watch any "reality" TV. I tried to watch an episode of big brother once, I didn't get to the end, and I've never watched any reality TV since.

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Do you believe that the government are somehow coercing independent TV channels to create these programs?

Or is it more likely that there are a number of people who will happily watch them, and that's why they get made?


You have hit the nail.


The problem is people are willing to watch them and the TV companies love it as its very cheap easy TV in the making.

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I agree. Everything that that the benefit claimants had was prefixed with how much it cost the tax payer, obviously designed to annoy the viewers.


Though to be honest I reserve my bile for the makers of these crummy documentaries, they're far worse than the people that they're portraying.


It's political agendaism through mass media. Plus this couple were working (filming) and presumably not on benefits whilst they're filming otherwise the jobcentre would jump all over them. What precisely is the couple’s motive for undertaking such work? Does anyone stop and think about the rubbish they're being fed or do people at home just sit and watch/read such red rags and blame others for their own failings?

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What disgusting, hateful language. I can't wait until people who write such ignorant and vile things are getting hounded down by the authorities and charged for hate crimes. It's coming, and not before time. Time for potty-mouthed fatcists to have to EAT their foul words.


I was being politically correct when I told my friend he was morbidly obese. He told me he hated this term and said he would rather be called a fatso.


I don't hate fat people! Far from it. If i see someone who's fat jogging down the street i think 'good for you.' addressing their problem, and hard graft.


What i do hate is the eye-watering amounts of cash those who do nothing about their weight cost the taxpayer. Believe me the sums are huge.

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I was being politically correct when I told my friend he was morbidly obese. He told me he hated this term and said he would rather be called a fatso.


I don't hate fat people! Far from it. If i see someone who's fat jogging down the street i think 'good for you.' addressing their problem, and hard graft.


What i do hate is the eye-watering amounts of cash those who do nothing about their weight cost the taxpayer. Believe me the sums are huge.


So you're saying it's ok to sponge off the state if you're not fat?

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