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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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In every Country that now makes up the E.U. right wing groups are growing at an alarming rate.

This week in Germany over 20,000 people have been demonstrating against the "Islamisation of the West" , similar groups in France, Hungary, Greece along with many other usually moderate and welcoming Country's are making noises reminiscent of the rise in fascism that happened in Germany during the 1930's.


Russia although not in the union is also in the midst of rising right wing groups and that Country is starting to flex its muscles by retaking lands that it considers to be part of the old Soviet Union.


So is it now time for The United Kingdom to leave the E.U before we once again find our selves in a situation that this time there will be no winners.

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Large states like the EU always end up with Fascism as the centralised government becomes desperate to hold things together usually against the will of the people in the individual countries. Small countries with bilateral trade agreements with each other are the way forward. It is ridiculous to have people in Brussels ruling over such a wide range of people from Belfast to Bucharest, just as it is ridiculous to have people in Washington ruling over people thousands of miles away in Anchorage Alaska or Corpus Christi Texas. And look what happened to the USSR.

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I don't think the EU is a fascist state. More like the USSR, maybe.


There will always be right wing parties but Fascism doesn't control one country out of the 27.


In fact in Greece the left wing coalition Syryza lead in the opinion polls prior to the upcoming Greek general election. They have pledged to abolish EU austerity; which is annoying the Germans no end. Fun and games there before too much longer.

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Large states like the EU always end up with Fascism as the centralised government becomes desperate to hold things together usually against the will of the people in the individual countries. Small countries with bilateral trade agreements with each other are the way forward. It is ridiculous to have people in Brussels ruling over such a wide range of people from Belfast to Bucharest, just as it is ridiculous to have people in Washington ruling over people thousands of miles away in Anchorage Alaska or Corpus Christi Texas. And look what happened to the USSR.


What has distance got to do with ruling any country these days :huh: The US Congress and Senate has since 1789 had representatives from all parts of the country in Washington. Therefore they are those "people in Washington"


Does that make sense? It does to me

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In every Country that now makes up the E.U. right wing groups are growing at an alarming rate.

This week in Germany over 20,000 people have been demonstrating against the "Islamisation of the West" , similar groups in France, Hungary, Greece along with many other usually moderate and welcoming Country's are making noises reminiscent of the rise in fascism that happened in Germany during the 1930's.


Russia although not in the union is also in the midst of rising right wing groups and that Country is starting to flex its muscles by retaking lands that it considers to be part of the old Soviet Union.


So is it now time for The United Kingdom to leave the E.U before we once again find our selves in a situation that this time there will be no winners.


The EU was founded by Nazi's and fascists. It is totally undemocratic. It is about turning all it's people into consumers for big business and corporate interests.

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The EU was founded by Nazi's and fascists. It is totally undemocratic. It is about turning all it's people into consumers for big business and corporate interests.


Maybe then Europe should go back to the good old days. Times were good when only the privileged and wealthy could afford the finer things in life. A man knew his place back then, a respectful touch of the forelock when the Squire passed by and beware of all those Frenchies and Germans across the channel

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Maybe then Europe should go back to the good old days. Times were good when only the privileged and wealthy could afford the finer things in life. A man knew his place back then, a respectful touch of the forelock when the Squire passed by and beware of all those Frenchies and Germans across the channel

Not much changed there then.

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