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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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Am I allowed to insult your country for a non trivial reason - say, shooting unarmed black men, or blowing up little children?


Is that Ok?

Of course you are, just as if something really bad was happening in the UK. But nothing bad ever happens in your paradise does it. I guess its OK with you when our cops die in the line of duty, nothing to say about that. I don't know why I bother with you, Fish, most folk just ignore you, cos you're worthless.
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Because it is a forum .


But why this question? Because you're a narrow-minded UKIP supporter. For example;


I have every sympathy with genuine asylum seekers as long as when they start there new lives in England they obey the law and remember the old saying when in Rome do as the Romans do and do not start to change areas of our cities into ghettos'.

But the problem is that England is full up unlike the vast areas of France, Spain,Germany etc there is also plenty of room in Russia'.

These people have often travelled through these country,s to reach our shores but it seems they give no thought to the fact that we have a vast shortage of land and housing and in fact in many cases our own citizens do not have any were to live. So to sum up they would be better of stopping of in the safe country,s they pass through who do have the room for them.


However, before you admit that you find UKIP policies a good way of fighting anti-Semitism, please note;


"It also found that one in four (25%) Britons believed that Jews chase money more than other British people, a figure which rose to 39% of those participants who identified themselves as Ukip voters."



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But why this question? Because you're a narrow-minded UKIP supporter. For example;




However, before you admit that you find UKIP policies a good way of fighting anti-Semitism, please note;


"It also found that one in four (25%) Britons believed that Jews chase money more than other British people, a figure which rose to 39% of those participants who identified themselves as Ukip voters."




You need to face reality mate and stop clutching at straws cos your looking really really desperate.

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But why this question? Because you're a narrow-minded UKIP supporter. For example;




However, before you admit that you find UKIP policies a good way of fighting anti-Semitism, please note;


"It also found that one in four (25%) Britons believed that Jews chase money more than other British people, a figure which rose to 39% of those participants who identified themselves as Ukip voters."



Are you an English person as you seem to be rather vague on English values .

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Mr. Bloke,

I do not know if this Europe is on the way to become a vast fascist state. For sure, those who are ruling it, sitting in the European Parliament in Bruxelles are behaving in a dictatorial way, creating enormous troubles in the economies of states, paying no attention to the differences among the states, distroying young generations' future thanks to the odd vision (better to say the lack of a vision, of a strategy) of Germany. Yes, this Germany (Ok Angela Merkel, which is voted by Germans) has got a great responsibility in all that is currently happening. They are distroying day by day Europe, imposing all of the other EU members its rules and dictating the agenda. So, i'm not pretty sure it will about growing fascism. For sure EU will fall down. Regards, Stefano, from North East of Italy

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