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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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You try to ridicule others because you are hurt by the fact that Zamo whoops your behind every time.


Are you admitting that you have to rely on someone else's arguments because your own - Obama is Muslim, Ched Evans is innocent, Tommy Robinson is an angel, etc - are so obviously stupid?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 13:59 ----------


I have seen plenty of people who claim to be English and British, Until it comes to supporting their Country:confused:at Cricket or Football or when their religion interferes with that British connection.


Nationality is what it says on your passport. Personally I get a big laugh out of England losing at football and cricket because of the attitude of the fans, especially at football, who think that a win at some sport means they're some sort of master race. Lots of English football fans have stopped going to games now because they're so rubbish. Maybe these England fans aren't English anymore.

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Are you admitting that you have to rely on someone else's arguments because your own - Obama is Muslim, Ched Evans is innocent, Tommy Robinson is an angel, etc - are so obviously stupid?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 13:59 ----------



Nationality is what it says on your passport. Personally I get a big laugh out of England losing at football and cricket because of the attitude of the fans, especially at football, who think that a win at some sport means they're some sort of master race. Lots of English football fans have stopped going to games now because they're so rubbish. Maybe these England fans aren't English anymore.

And if they put religion before the Country that they presumably love ,until the two are not compatible that is.

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I have seen plenty of people who claim to be English and British,

Until it comes to supporting their Country:confused:at Cricket or Football or when their religion interferes with that British connection.


I don't give a stuff about football or cricket, does that make me less British than you?


If I were a fan of the Greek national team for football and the Iranian cricket 11 would that make me less English?


Would it balls. Your whole idea is based on nothing.

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My birth certificate says I was born here and my passport tells me I'm British.


So as I've answered your question could you answer mine? Why are UKIP supporters 50% more likely to be anti-Semitic than supporters of other parties?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 08:22 ----------



What reality would that be? That UKIP voters are far more anti-Semitic than most people? That UKIP members turn a blind eye to that?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 08:24 ----------



From the man who served in the US army at the time that mixed race marriage was still illegal there;




I was a Jarhead not an Army man. First mistake.


Second mistake. Why keep on harping about times past in the US?


I could tell you about signs that were commonly seen outside British boarding houses in the 1950/60ss "Sorry no coloured" "Sorry no Irish"


Then there was another slogan "If you want an N for a neighbor vote Labour"


If you want to reply to any post of mine keep it on thread subject... not bringing up irrelevant ancient history

Edited by Harleyman
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If you want to reply to any post of mine keep it on thread subject... not bringing up old irrelevant ancient history


You were saying that the only fascists were Muslims. There is plenty of racism still in the USA. Look at the birthers who don't like having a black president or just about anything on Fox News. The USA is a much more racially segregated country than western European countries. It's the main division in your society.

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You were saying that the only fascists were Muslims. There is plenty of racism still in the USA. Look at the birthers who don't like having a black president or just about anything on Fox News. The USA is a much more racially segregated country than western European countries. It's the main division in your society.


What do you mean by "segregated" Signs outside toilets saying "colored drinking fountain" "white only drinking fountain" Black people to the back of the bus?


Politically there is division just as in any other democracy but racial segregation is long gone


Fox News BTW is NOT America although you keep harping on about it I know

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Are you admitting that you have to rely on someone else's arguments because your own - Obama is Muslim, Ched Evans is innocent, Tommy Robinson is an angel, etc - are so obviously stupid?


Mr Personality is back... or is it Mr Chips? :hihi:

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]]My birth certificate says I was born here and my passport tells me I'm British[/b].


So as I've answered your question could you answer mine? Why are UKIP supporters 50% more likely to be anti-Semitic than supporters of other parties?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 08:22 ----------



What reality would that be? That UKIP voters are far more anti-Semitic than most people? That UKIP members turn a blind eye to that?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 08:24 ----------



From the man who served in the US army at the time that mixed race marriage was still illegal there;




Yeah but what does your heart tell you?

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In every Country that now makes up the E.U. right wing groups are growing at an alarming rate.

This week in Germany over 20,000 people have been demonstrating against the "Islamisation of the West" , similar groups in France, Hungary, Greece along with many other usually moderate and welcoming Country's are making noises reminiscent of the rise in fascism that happened in Germany during the 1930's.


Russia although not in the union is also in the midst of rising right wing groups and that Country is starting to flex its muscles by retaking lands that it considers to be part of the old Soviet Union.


So is it now time for The United Kingdom to leave the E.U before we once again find our selves in a situation that this time there will be no winners.

I think it shows the current discord that a lot of europeans feel at the moment.A lot of people feel disconnected from society and think that all the mainstream parties let them down and when they talk about their fears they are labelled as bigots.Any party that they feel listens to them and embraces their fears and anxieties will get them on board even though they know the shortcomings of the group or party that they have decided to vote for.I think the same thing is happening in this country.I think people who would have never dreamed of voting for a right wing party but are now doing so or contemplating doing so do it as an act of despair.I myself also feel that the mainstream parties do not represent me and for the first time i am contemplating abstaining from voting at the next general election.

Edited by ghost rider
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