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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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Would Greece have been in the same mess had it been able to set it's own financial prarameters? Genuine question..


It would have had to devalue the Drachme continuously, leading to bad inflation and a bad credit rating (look at Argentina for an example). Had Greece been alone it would have defaulted a lot sooner.


Greece's problem wasn't that it was stuck in the Euro-framework, it was that it had continuously poor financial policies that were unaffordable, a work force that lived of pensions paid for by the state (Including the children of pensioners, not kidding) an economy almost solely relying on tourism and agriculture as the shipping industry is increasingly moving to sail under foreign flags where they get tax breaks.


Basically, yes, or worse.

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Or it shows how strong it is, demonstrating that people can trust it to be run sensibly.


Sensibly? How sensible is it to have a rule like the one in the Lisbon treaty saying that no nation shall be liable for another nation's debts, and then have to drive a horse and cart through the rules when Greece, Portugal, Cyprus etc go bust?

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The home secretary has today stated that " I never thought that I would see the day when Jewish people would say that they are now afraid to live in England"


It is time for all our citizens to stand up against the evil that is growing in our Country and protect venerable folk from the evil that now walks among us.

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The home secretary has today stated that " I never thought that I would see the day when Jewish people would say that they are now afraid to live in England"


It is time for all our citizens to stand up against the evil that is growing in our Country and protect venerable folk from the evil that now walks among us.


While I agree that it's appalling that Jews have to live in fear I wonder where the Tories were when it was the far right that were doing the terrorising. And where they were when any other minority group was living in fear.


And what Theresa May's speech has to do with an EU thread is a mystery.


If you think fighting both anti-Semitism and the EU go hand in hand note comments made by Grant French of Stocksbridge UKIP;


"I think the Jewish race is endemically racist" and


"Why wouldn't the holocaust be allowed to be questioned".





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And what Theresa May's speech has to do with an EU thread is a mystery.
Probably a case of 'well, the thread title says "fascist", it's a sound bite about anti-Semitism, so in the post goes' ;)


This, although another red top-friendly non-story (and not much more to it, since hell will freeze over before it happens), might prove more worthy/topical of the thread for our frothy-mouthed contingent. Hey, it's got 'European' in the title :hihi:

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It was not until the summer of 1944 that we realised that mass murder was in our midst.

Many people on this forum where alive at that time ..

Many now seem to forget.


Talking of anti-Semitism, your mates in UKIP are more anti-Semitic than voters of other parties according to the Jewish Chronicle;


"Fewer than half of all Ukip supporters would be prepared to accept a Jewish politician becoming prime minister, polling has revealed.


"Only 48 per cent of people intending to vote for the party agreed that a Jewish leader would be as acceptable as any other in Downing Street."



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