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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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In every Country that now makes up the E.U. right wing groups are growing at an alarming rate.

This week in Germany over 20,000 people have been demonstrating against the "Islamisation of the West" , similar groups in France, Hungary, Greece along with many other usually moderate and welcoming Country's are making noises reminiscent of the rise in fascism that happened in Germany during the 1930's.


Russia although not in the union is also in the midst of rising right wing groups and that Country is starting to flex its muscles by retaking lands that it considers to be part of the old Soviet Union.


So is it now time for The United Kingdom to leave the E.U before we once again find our selves in a situation that this time there will be no winners.


You say against Islamification, are these Islamic groups fascists too? i'd name various Islamic states / countries as fascist!

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In every Country that now makes up the E.U. right wing groups are growing at an alarming rate.

This week in Germany over 20,000 people have been demonstrating against the "Islamisation of the West" , similar groups in France, Hungary, Greece along with many other usually moderate and welcoming Country's are making noises reminiscent of the rise in fascism that happened in Germany during the 1930's.


Russia although not in the union is also in the midst of rising right wing groups and that Country is starting to flex its muscles by retaking lands that it considers to be part of the old Soviet Union.


So is it now time for The United Kingdom to leave the E.U before we once again find our selves in a situation that this time there will be no winners.


What a stupid argument. More people have marched against the right-wing group than marched with them. The OP admits Russia is not in the EU but still uses it as an argument against the EU. There are also fascist groups in the UK. Up until only last year the BNP had had 2 MEPs elected. So should the UK leave the UK on that basis?


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 16:55 ----------


Large states like the EU always end up with Fascism.....


Only two states have become fascist, Germany in the 30s and Italy in the 20s. One of the main reasons they became fascist was the relative weak states and institutions in those countries as they had only been united in the late 19th century.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 16:58 ----------


Is Europe becoming a vast fascist state? No


Or- better- 'yes'


From someone who has never argued against fascists on here because the fascists always support his beloved UKIP, a party now supported by Nick Griffin, the most powerful British fascist since Oswald Mosley.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 16:59 ----------


The EU is a hot bed for far right groups now..


Says the secretary of the Tommy Robinson fan club, someone who was in the BNP and had to leave his own EDL as it had been taken over by fascists.

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You missed out Spain.

By the way Paris seems to be a hot bed for extremists in the last day or so.


Spain wasn't a fascist state. It was a military dictatorship that didn't even get involved in World War 2.


The German marchers have nothing to do with the German government or EU. The extremists in Paris don't even support any western ideology - fascism, liberal democracy or whatever.


You might as well say we should leave the EU because it's raining or we should all leave Sheffield because Castle Market has been closed.

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You might as well say we should leave the EU because it's raining or we should all leave Sheffield because Castle Market has been closed.


Franco was a fascist.


Your second point is the only thing that you have ever posted on this forum that makes any sense what so ever:(

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Franco was a fascist.


Your second point is the only thing that you have ever posted on this forum that makes any sense what so ever:(


Franco was an ultra-conservative Catholic monarchist who relied on the support of fascists and Carlists but he controlled and marginalised Falangists in his regime and never sought to transform Spain in the same way Hitler transformed Germany and Mussolini Italy. He was an ultra-conservative rather than a fascist revolutionary.


Please feel free to act on my sense and leave Sheffield.

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