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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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Instead of doing the: "I have fewer idiots than you so I must be better" routine, perhaps we should bring this back to topic: Those absolute numbers indicate that if there is one place in Europe that is at risk of becoming a fascist state it is the UK.


Not if we leave the EU... All over Europe extreme right wing parties are growing. There's none so bling as those who won't see the truth..


I appreciate Zamo has embarrassed you and LeMarquis with his post but hey... LeMarquis usually just disappears for a while, licking his wounds.. at least you have the nerve to try again :hihi:


---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 12:50 ----------


Following your 'it's about Miliband not Jews in general' logic, that just means Labour have more supporters who don't want Miliband as PM than UKIP does. :)


Your logic also means that 48% of UKIP supporters think it would be "equally acceptable" for Miliband to be PM as it would be for Farage to be.


Nope wrong again. Many won't know he's a Jew. I didn't until a short while ago. The stats are all wrong. The question was unclear.. please see my signature :hihi:

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Nope wrong again. Many won't know he's a Jew. I didn't until a short while ago. The stats are all wrong. The question was unclear.. please see my signature :hihi:


I've looked at your sig, you appear to be arguing the claim made in this quote:

Ed Millipede is a jew so the survey is basically asking would you prefer Ed Millipede or Nigel Farage? :hihi:
is untrue.
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Oh I see you won't answer
Change your prescription glasses. Or try reading my post with your neurone engaged. Preferably both. :hihi:

You couldn't care less about the kids in Rotherham but previously said it was one of the worst crimes you can think off.. :loopy::huh:
Where I have said that or even suggested it? :loopy::huh:

And you appear to be in favour of animal cruelty..
Where I have said that or even suggested it? :loopy::huh:

You sound like a lovely guy
Thanks. Wish I could say the same about you :hihi: Edited by L00b
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That they may (statistically), however it does not detract from the statistically-gathered fact that there are significantly more anti-Semites within UKIP ranks than in Labour or Tory ranks. Which is the point. And was LeMaquis' statement, no 'depends how you look at it' needed.


That is statistically incorrect. UKIP unquestionable have less anti-Semite voters that Labour and the Tories. UKIP have a higher proportion of voters are anti-Semites but you can't say they have 'more' because it simply isn't true... you are bastardising the stats.


That has to be one of the most desperate posts on here. 2010 was 5 years ago. The JC survey is as of now.


I have used the 'as of now' percentage provided by the JC survey. I have simply used the number of votes cast at the 2010 GE to provide a basis for calculating share of the anti-Semitic vote. Whatever number you want to use, you will get the same result i.e. UKIP with a smaller share of anti-Semite voters than both Labour and the Tories. I'm guessing maths isn't your strong point?


UKIP may have fewer racist voters than other parties but that would be because UKIP has fewer voters than other parties. The survey deals with proportions. Proportionally UKIP voters are more anti-Semitic.


Both sentences are matters of opinion that are neither proven or dis-proven by the statistical evidence available. It is pure conjecture as to how the anti-Semite would be split if Labour, the Tories and UKIP had the same share of vote. You also can't say that UKIP voters are 'more anti-Semitic' because each voter is either anti-Semitic or they are not... you cannot dish out a 'mean score' to all UKIP voters. The correct way to phase it is to say UKIP has a higher proportion of voters that are anti-Semitic than other parties. You keep paraphrasing the findings of the survey and in doing so you turn true statements into false statements.


How nice of you and Ellco to turn a blind eye to UKIP's anti-Semitism and pretend it's nothing to get worked up about.


Yep, that's the bastardisation of stats that I'm talking about. The JC survey does not evidence UKIP anti-Semitism. It evidences, and quantifies, anti-Semitism of voters in general and breaks this down by the political parties they vote for. It doesn't tell us if any of the parties are anti-Semitic... that is a judgement that we need to take based on policies.


You can claim UKIP is anti-Semitic but you cannot point to the poll reported by the JC as evidence. You instead need to point to UKIP policies that you think are anti-Semitic... which are?


And how am I turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism any more than you? I've just provided you with statistical evidence that Labour has over 2.5m anti-Semitic supporters and you aren't getting worked up about that? Are you going to be writing to Labour HQ and asking them to issue a press statement asking all anti-Semites to not vote for them? Do you have a message for anti-Semites who vote Labour or is it just UKIP voting anti-Semites that you have a problem with?


If you want anti-Semitism in UKIP look no further than the Holocaust-denying Polish politician who Farage recently did a deal with or, closer to home, Grant French of Stocksbridge UKIP who said;


"I think the Jewish race is endemically racist" and


"Why wouldn't the holocaust be allowed to be questioned?".






So what you are saying is that if we want to see anti-Semitic people in UKIP then we need to look at people who are not part of UKIP (clue - none of those people are in UKIP)?


They are desperately and pathetically trying to hide UKIP's anti-Semitism. But each attempt can be counteracted with more facts. Keep them coming.


Which anti-Semitic policy am I trying to hide? Happy to discuss any UKIP policy that you consider to be anti-Semitic. You tell me the policy and we can take it from there.


Perhap we should also consider anti-Semitism in other groups. Can you think of any group that might have an even higher proportion of anti-Semite supporters? :suspect: Perhaps we should begin with the group that has the biggest anti-Semitism problem... or would you prefer we turned a blind eye?


---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 15:02 ----------


Following your 'it's about Miliband not Jews in general' logic, that just means Labour have more supporters who don't want Miliband as PM than UKIP does. :)


Your logic also means that 48% of UKIP supporters think it would be "equally acceptable" for Miliband to be PM as it would be for Farage to be.


I think that evidences that most people have no idea Miliband is Jewish or that it isn't really the problem they thought it was.

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... LeMarquis usually just disappears for a while, licking his wounds..


In your dreams.


All over Europe extreme right wing parties are growing.


Including UKIP. Otherwise why would they have the support of Nick Griffin and thousands of other anti-Semites.


---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 15:28 ----------


So what you are saying is that if we want to see anti-Semitic people in UKIP then we need to look at people who are not part of UKIP (clue - none of those people are in UKIP)?


Grant French is in UKIP in Stocksbridge. Last year he signed the nomination papers fro UKIP candidate Jack Clarkson, who as an ex-copper should have known better than get mixed up with unsavoury types.

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That is statistically incorrect. UKIP unquestionable have less anti-Semite voters that Labour and the Tories. UKIP have a higher proportion of voters are anti-Semites but you can't say they have 'more' because it simply isn't true... you are bastardising the stats.
That is exactly what the poll showed, what LeMaquis had said, which you then quoted...but then blurted your 'Depends on how you look at it'. For the avoidance of doubt:
<...>your mates in UKIP are more anti-Semitic than voters of other parties <...>

My bold - Depends on how you look at it.<...>

and is the only point I was addressing. Granted, with a lesser degree of grammatical nazism than I should have, considering the thread title :P


I just can't believe posters with a reasonable degree of intelligence would uhm- and aah- about the statistical accuracy and meaning of polled anti-Semite sentiments. There shouldn't be any in this day and age, period :(

Edited by L00b
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What do you mean by "segregated" Signs outside toilets saying "colored drinking fountain" "white only drinking fountain" Black people to the back of the bus?


Politically there is division just as in any other democracy but racial segregation is long gone


Fox News BTW is NOT America although you keep harping on about it I know

Maybe I should be chucked out according to Maquis standards, my grandson is happily marriied to a black girl. My success story in North America was kicked off by a black Trinidadian who was my boss and became my friend for the rest of my life. There are, of course, places around where I would not go in safety, I hear the Manor Estate is one of them as well as South Boston or the Bronx. Edited by buck
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Not if we leave the EU... All over Europe extreme right wing parties are growing. There's none so bling as those who won't see the truth..


I appreciate Zamo has embarrassed you and LeMarquis with his post but hey... LeMarquis usually just disappears for a while, licking his wounds.. at least you have the nerve to try again :hihi:


Sorry, where have I been embarassed by Zamo?


I have noticed you are beginning to see him as a revered entity, which is not surprising as he has indeed got twice the linguistic and analytical capability that you possess.


In the mean-time: Yay! Extreme right wing parties on the rise! Soon we will be rid of all those evil black, asian, jewish and other anomalies from our pure white British shores!

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