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Is the European Union becoming a vast fascist state

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Our government , be that tory or labour will never give us an IN/OUT referendum because they know full well what the result will be . OUT


I disagree. The public will be cowed by a six month ****storm of negativity, with the direst of warnings and outright pro-EU lies going unchallenged. Imo this will lead to a narrow vote to stay in.


Then two weeks later the polls will show massive anti-EU sentiment again.

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I disagree. The public will be cowed by a six month ****storm of negativity, with the direst of warnings and outright pro-EU lies going unchallenged. Imo this will lead to a narrow vote to stay in.


Then two weeks later the polls will show massive anti-EU sentiment again.


That's not what the latest poll shows: Trouble for UKIP

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What has distance got to do with ruling any country these days :huh: The US Congress and Senate has since 1789 had representatives from all parts of the country in Washington. Therefore they are those "people in Washington"


Does that make sense? It does to me

There is not the faintest chance in the world of the United States will ever break up like the USSR. It's greatest test took place between 1861 and 1865. If it could survive that it can survive anything. We all belong to the State we live in, but above all we are all Americans. We all fly the Stars and Stripes, but I don't think I could identify the State flag of Vermont or Pennsylvania if you asked me to.
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There is not the faintest chance in the world of the United States will ever break up like the USSR. It's greatest test took place between 1861 and 1865. If it could survive that it can survive anything. We all belong to the State we live in, but above all we are all Americans. We all fly the Stars and Stripes, but I don't think I could identify the State flag of Vermont or Pennsylvania if you asked me to.


The member who posted the opinion that large countries could not govern themselves thinks that going back to something like medieval days was the way ahead.


That said there is a ballot proposition in the works for 2016 that has the idea to split California into six states. The author of this ballot measure is of the opinion that 38 million people are too many to govern efficiently. Needless to say the author is another right wing nut Republican with family probably employed by Fox News.


It wont pass of course, it's dead on the ground already but even oddballs and eccentrics are allowed to play their part in our great democratic process :D

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That's not what the latest poll shows: Trouble for UKIP


if that ballony were even half right then why is Cameroon stooping to every level to prevent a EU vote,and he hasn't even started yet.He has even gone so far as to tell his members that anyone looking like they are with leaving the EU they will be thrown out.


"he also warned that Tory Cabinet ministers could be sacked for campaigning in favour of an EU exit."



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if that ballony were even half right then why is Cameroon stooping to every level to prevent a EU vote,and he hasn't even started yet.He has even gone so far as to tell his members that anyone looking like they are with leaving the EU they will be thrown out.


"he also warned that Tory Cabinet ministers could be sacked for campaigning in favour of an EU exit."




What are you on about, Cameroon is a staunch defender of the African Union.


On top of that, Cameron isn't stooping to every level to prevent an EU vote either, unless of course you have a source for that. What he is doing is getting his party in line with what he thinks is the best option - staying in the EU.

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What are you on about, Cameroon is a staunch defender of the African Union.


On top of that, Cameron isn't stooping to every level to prevent an EU vote either, unless of course you have a source for that. What he is doing is getting his party in line with what he thinks is the best option - staying in the EU.


Unless ive got it wrong and I have NOT,he has said


"DAVID Cameron today signalled that he could bow to the growing pressure to rush forward his proposed referendum on Britain's EU membership."




This is the problem with people they don't pay attention to detail.He COULD resign tomorrow...


What he will do is tell us he is off to renegotiate a better deal and come back with a better deal (pretend one) and that will appease some.


"he also warned that Tory Cabinet ministers could be sacked for campaigning in favour of an EU exit."


The man is very very against leaving and its blindly obvious,every trick in the book will be pulled.We wont be leaving the EU under Cameroon,even if everyone but him in the country wanted it,so stop dreaming lol.

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Unless ive got it wrong and I have NOT,he has said


"DAVID Cameron today signalled that he could bow to the growing pressure to rush forward his proposed referendum on Britain's EU membership."




This is the problem with people they don't pay attention to detail.He COULD resign tomorrow...


What he will do is tell us he is off to renegotiate a better deal and come back with a better deal (pretend one) and that will appease some.


"he also warned that Tory Cabinet ministers could be sacked for campaigning in favour of an EU exit."


The man is very very against leaving and its blindly obvious,every trick in the book will be pulled.We wont be leaving the EU under Cameroon,even if everyone but him in the country wanted it,so stop dreaming lol.


I'm not dreaming. What I am seeing is that the parties are queuing up to take the wind out of this exit talk that has been going on. Want to know why? Because the economists have calculated everything and informed them that this is probably the most stupid thing to do aside from proposing to privatise the NHS.


It is about time the other parties stopped trying to placate UKIP by mimicking their exit talk.

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I'm not dreaming. What I am seeing is that the parties are queuing up to take the wind out of this exit talk that has been going on. Want to know why? Because the economists have calculated everything and informed them that this is probably the most stupid thing to do aside from proposing to privatise the NHS.


It is about time the other parties stopped trying to placate UKIP by mimicking their exit talk.


Economists? whos that then?


I suppose they have worked out all that in a couple of days lol.Give me a break,its just more ballony.

Next they will tell us that pulling out of the EU will make the ozone layer disappear,daft thing is,if they did im sure some would take it in.

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