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New EU laws on coffee makers etc

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Not content with telling us what the wattage on our hoovers should be ,the EU have now decided that we Brit's need to be told what coffee machines we can use.

What right have they to tell us these things?


First they change our money, then our weights and measures, then the light bulbs. Now they are starting on our appliances. The latest being cookers and coffee machines.


What type of people have we become to allow outsiders to dictate our laws and rights to us?

More to the point why are we continually electing governments that do sod all to stop it?

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Not content with telling us what the wattage on our hoovers should be ,the EU have now decided that we Brit's need to be told what coffee machines we can use.

What right have they to tell us these things?


First they change our money, then our weights and measures, then the light bulbs. Now they are starting on our appliances. The latest being cookers and coffee machines.


What type of people have we become to allow outsiders to dictate our laws and rights to us?

More to the point why are we continually electing governments that do sod all to stop it?

If Cameron is to be believed we will all be able to vote on this soon.

The other parties are keeping the matter close to their chests just in case the subject becomes more popular .

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If Cameron is to be believed we will all be able to vote on this soon.

The other parties are keeping the matter close to their chests just in case the subject becomes more popular .

He isnt to be believed its a con and even if it goes ahead he will try every dirty trick to stop you voting to leave.


He has warned that Tory Cabinet ministers could be sacked for campaigning in favour of an EU exit.



there is only one party that wants to leave the EU and will give a fair and proper shot at it.

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Not content with telling us what the wattage on our hoovers should be ,the EU have now decided that we Brit's need to be told what coffee machines we can use.

What right have they to tell us these things?


First they change our money, then our weights and measures, then the light bulbs. Now they are starting on our appliances. The latest being cookers and coffee machines.


What type of people have we become to allow outsiders to dictate our laws and rights to us?

More to the point why are we continually electing governments that do sod all to stop it?


Is there a link to this? To be honest given how good quality coffee is in the rest of Europe I welcome this move.


Actually just found the link




Its more to do with energy saving.

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When did they change our money?


Yeah, bring back groats and dubloons. And that far easier to understand system of measurement of Rods, Poles and Chains.


I like being able to get 480 furlongs per 0.13 bushel and no Brussels Eurocrat is gonna tell me otherwise.

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When did they change our money?

The EU isn't behind this metrication in this country either. From the Wikipedia article on the subject:

In 1896, Parliament passed the Weights and Measures (Metric System) Act, legalising metric units for all purposes but not making them compulsory.[26]


The situation was clarified in 1897 following another Select Committee which also recommended that metrication become compulsory by 1899. In 1902, an Empire conference decided that metrication should be compulsory across the British Empire. In 1904, scientist Lord Kelvin led a campaign for metrication and collected 8 million signatures of British subjects. On the opposition side, 1904 saw the establishment of the British Weights and Measures Association for "the purpose of defending and, where practicable, improving the present system of weights and measures". At this time 45% of British exports were to metricated countries. Parliament voted to set up a Select Committee on the matter.[27]


This Select Committee reported in 1907 and a bill was drafted proposing compulsory metrication by 1910, including decimalisation of coinage.[27]

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started school in the late 60s and was taught using the metric system


Studied engineering at university in the 80s and used the metric system


built furnaces and engineering plant throughout the world during the 1990s and used the metric system, as does every other industrialised nation apart from the USA


The money in my pocket still seems to be decimal £s and pence but I am old enough to remember £SD (which goes back to a Roman invention). Personally I much prefer have 10 x 10p in a pound rather than 240p or 20 shillings


As for making things that are more efficient and use less energy to do the same job, I cant really think of a valid reason to be against that.

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Another one of those nasty EU things imposed on us is our metric system of temperature and certain papers insist on using Fahrenheit still


Anders Celsius - Swedish

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit - German born in Poland


Does anyone still say , its cold out this morning it must be less than 32 Fahrenheit.


Or , has that kettle boiled yet, is it at 212 Fahrenheit?

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