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New EU laws on coffee makers etc

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I quite like lower energy bills and a sensible system of units thank you.

Maybe so. But what you 'quite like' does not necessitate an extra-territorial entity's ukases. The UK already has a Monarch as Head of State, a Prime Minister as Head of Government, and a Parliament. I quite prefer this set-up to the EU's.

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Shame that the current executive wasn't doing anything about it though then wasn't it. When the UK decide to be useless it's quite good that the EU gives them a kick in the pants to tell them to put their house in order.

Explain from where the EU derives its supposed legitimacy and locus standi.

It's "our" house, surely, not the EU's.

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There was some international treaty thingy in Maastrict as I recall...


If Liz didn't like that she could have used her Royal Prerog to tell the PM not to have signed it I'm sure...


Blair probably did what he did to the British people and forgot to actually tell her what was in it.

Its only years now,were up to the neck in red tape and massivily over regulation were realising how stupid it was.But im sure Blair and Brown got paid very well for it.

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whenever i've been to europe to me its clear to see at street level we have absolutely nothing in common with them whatsoever, people in europe like visiting museums and a cracking night out is a bottle of wine between four, they wear 'slacks' and stroll smiling looking at waterfalls with jumpers draped from their shoulders


absolutely nothing like us at all (forgive my grammar i hate using the caps lock key)

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