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Foster is at it again.

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It pains me to say it but Toby Foster is at it again,

This morning at around 9.18 A.M he lambasted a pensioner for not having a computer , he told her to buy one so as she could download bus time tables.

The old lady tried to tell him that not only could she not afford a computer but was not competent on one .

He brow beat her as though he was putting down an heckler while performing in a down market comedy club.

This so called working class lad once again shows his true colours when interviewing folk who are not media or put down savvy .

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It pains me to say it but Toby Foster is at it again,

This morning at around 9.18 A.M he lambasted a pensioner for not having a computer , he told her to buy one so as she could download bus time tables.

The old lady tried to tell him that not only could she not afford a computer but was not competent on one also.

He brow beat her as though he was putting down an heckler while performing in a down market comedy club.

This so called working class lad once again shows his true colours when interviewing folk who are not media or put down savvy .


"Not being competent" is not an excuse. Five years ago I would never have imagined my 71 year old grandparents to suddenly buy a laptop but they did, five years later and they are both fantastic on it, my gran plays poker online and my grandad sells stuff on eBay.


Sounds like this lady has an unwillingness to learn and why should the minority be spoonfed?


I assume the phone-in was about the SYPTE cuts and the removal of paper timetables. Does she not have a phone? Use that instead. Timetables are available on computers for free at public libraries, as well as at bus stops. And dont forget some routes dont even run to a timetable at some points of the day.


Pensioners should be lucky they still have subsidised train travel as that will be the thing to go in the cuts next year.

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With the advent of cheap tablet computers (I picked up an immaculate Tesco Hudl 1 for £30) and free internet in libraries, pubs, coffee shops, even buses, I don't think there's any excuse for not being online these days.


There's no excuse to be rude about it though. I did notice one bank (yes, bank) on TV advertising free help sessions for something like this. Barclays it was:




While I think this is good, I don't think it should be a bank providing this. How much does is it costing them (or more accurately) their customers?

Edited by alchresearch
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I suppose Barclays arent being stupid, maybe they realise the more people they get "trained up" to use online services, the more branches and staff they can shed in the long run as less people use traditional counter services. Thats the only reason they are doing it, it wont be through any great sense of kindness.

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