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Foster is at it again.

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What a patronising, condescending, horrible person you appear to be.




What exactly is patronising and condescending arguing against somebody making excuses for not moving with the times and trying to keep publishing an outdated and expensive resource just because THEY don't want change.


My point is very valid. This current generation and certainly the next generations of "pensioners" are very different. Society is very different. The technology that people make out is so "new" and "unknown" has actually been around and embraced into society far long then people care to remember.


Furthermore, more and more of these "pensioners" actually have more disposal income than us who work full time, have more car ownership and car use than their previous generation and believe it or not, actually have access and knowledge of modern marvels such as a telephone and computer far more than their previous generation.


It therefore makes perfect sense.


Does Mrs X on the radio show still boil a pan with water because she did not want to embrace the modern marvel called a Kettle. Does Mrs X on the radio show still go down to the bank each week and draw out her money and then round to each and every shop and business because she does not want to embrace the modern marvels of direct debits and telephone payments.


Very doubtful. Reason: because in 2014 she will have little choice to do anything else. Therefore, she is more than capable of adapting. Now she needs to adapt to this.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Why should people be bullied into learning computer skills when it is the duty of the bus companies to provide timetables from the fares that people pay,or,is this another way for the bus companies to increase their profits.


Where does this duty come from? It's not a legal one for sure.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 11:37 ----------


This person did not deserve belittling but a little gentle encouragement to seek out a group or a course where they..if they wish...could learn the basics.


True, but then the man is an boil on the backside of humanity... He's not clever, empathic or diplomatic.

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What exactly is patronising and condescending arguing against somebody making excuses for not moving with the times and trying to keep publishing an outdated and expensive resource just because THEY don't want change.


My parents are well capable of catching a bus but I'm sorry to say for other reasons being computer literate is beyond them so do you blame them for not keeping up with the times?.

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True, but then the man is an boil on the backside of humanity... He's not clever, empathic or diplomatic.


I don't think he is paid to be. I get the impression that he is there to stir up debate and provoke responses.


Judging by this forum thread, his studio callers and no doubt twittersphere its working perfectly.

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Are they able to use a phone and ring Travel Line to obtain bus timetable information?


Yes but that's not the point I'm making I'm commenting on you and others insinuating there's no excuse for them not being computer literate.

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My parents are well capable of catching a bus but I'm sorry to say for other reasons being computer literate is beyond them so do you blame them for not keeping up with the times?.


No I would expect them to be able to look at the timetables printed on bus stops or pick up a phone and call the travel line as has been said dozens of times throughout this thread.


People can adapt.

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