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Paris shooting. 17 dead

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Anyone who commits mass murder over a cartoon must have some psychopathic traits. There is no way a premeditated act of terrorism like today's can be justified. The fact that it was over a cartoon will just paint some Muslims as the enemies of free expression and tarnish other innocent Muslims, some of whom will bear a backlash. Offending an ideology shouldn't really be considered an offence. It's not as if anyone suffered as a result other than having their stupidity exposed.


Got to say that although we havent seen eye to eye in the past, this is quite a reasonable post.

Its always a shame though when a horrendous act such as this is likened to the responses of poppy or flag burning. Im not aware of any similar retaliation against Muslims, and any suggestion of it should be met with the contempt it deserves.

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We know there are nut jobs who will kill people who offend the prophet of Islam so why do it if you know there is a risk of violent retaliation?

Because society benefits from being able to offend each other - it shouldn't be domineered by one set of thought. We should all have the freedom to question other people's beliefs, to mock each other, and to live beside each other in peace. I'll defend the right to joke about Islam, and I defend your right to follow it anyway.

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Because society benefits from being able to offend each other - it shouldn't be domineered by one set of thought. We should all have the freedom to question other people's beliefs, to mock each other, and to live beside each other in peace. I'll defend the right to joke about Islam, and I defend your right to follow it anyway.


Joking about Something and being offensive about Something are two different things and I don't believe I have the right to go round offending people or mock them.

I joke with non Muslim friends about muslim and non Muslim culture but it is never in an offensive way.

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The people following that religion believe it though...


That's kind of the problem, if you believe that God will give you paradise and give me an eternity of torment in hells fire, it must lead you to believe that you are in someway superior to me, because if we were equals we would both get the same after death.

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Stop assuming, I'm pointing out the hypocrasy of the whole situation.

It seems it is ok to offend or ridicule muslims but when some of them burn Poppy's or wave placards at homecoming soldiors it's not acceptable.



They are different situations though. The poppy burners (who by the way I was fine with) deliberately sought out a returning soldiers parade and burnt the poppies. If the cations ts had hone to mecca during hajj and mocked your prophet, your comparison would be fair


It started the EDL off didn't it?


Who have killed no one and police records show more arrests amongst the people campaigning against them.


Joking about Something and being offensive about Something are two different things and I don't believe I have the right to go round offending people or mock them.

I joke with non Muslim friends about muslim and non Muslim culture but it is never in an offensive way.


Offense is subjective, who decides what is offensive

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What's that then smart arse? :rolleyes:


You share the concept that it is wrong to offend.


Once you have convinced yourself of that then you have your excuse. In your case it might be the excuse to tut and criticise, but for a nutter it might be the excuse to violent retribution.


Unfortunately the concept you hold is in contradiction to freedom, particularly the French "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" type which has been exported to the enlightened world.


I think that offence is right, it is necessary. I welcome it.


Your offensive response to me there is necessary to show the weakness of your position.

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C̶l̶o̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶v̶i̶e̶w̶


Posts attacking other forum users have been removed. I will state this again if you attack other members then you will find your account suspended.


If you cannot remain civil then I suggest that you refrain from posting on this thread.

Edited by mort
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You are actually whining about the cartoons. The cartoons poking fun at something as strong and robust as the prophet of God? Something that should be so almighty and right and omnipotent as that?


People have been murdered by lunatics who follow this religion.


And you are whining about f****ing cartoons.


Your views are as narrow minded as they come.


and tbf to Mafya he DID say the murders are wrong, he does have a right to believe that any cartoons against his personal religion could be offensive. HE DIDNT say those who did the cartoons deserved to die however, those are two completely different things.

As usual it was extremists using an excuse to commit acts of violence that shouldnt be tolerated.

Also going back to what Mafya said earlier about the poppy burners and repurcusions, the french magazine has been expecting repercusions since 2011 for the cartoon, infact theyve been in police protection apparently.

Sadly it looks like it didnt work :(

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