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Paris shooting. 17 dead

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Its only a matter of time before western countries with a Muslim population turn on these people, both innocent and guilty. This is the fault of our governments who have pussy footed around the issue for too long.


People like Tommy Robinson, Pamela Gellar and Robert Spenser are vilified telling the truth about the seriousness of the issue... We must deal with these people before it gets out of hand and ordinary Muslims are effected..


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 16:43 ----------


Its been reported, don't know if its true, but the gun men are allegedly people returning from Syria... where they were doing charity work, no doubt.

Ordinary muslims will be affected like ordinary brits french yanks and spanish, i'm dreading the news hearing of a bomb going off in a full mosque, restaraunts being razed to the ground corner shops being petrol bombed, taxi drivers being attacked etc theres enough nutters around but hope i'm wrong

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Ordinary muslims will be affected like ordinary brits french yanks and spanish, i'm dreading the news hearing of a bomb going off in a full mosque, restaraunts being razed to the ground corner shops being petrol bombed, taxi drivers being attacked etc theres enough nutters around but hope i'm wrong


funnily enough its exactly attitudes and views fostered by people we see day in day out on forums such of this one attributing acts of barbarity such as this one to Muslims as a whole and so are fostering any acts of vigilantism with their blind ignorance and hate

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and tbf to Mafya he DID say the murders are wrong, he does have a right to believe that any cartoons against his personal religion could be offensive. HE DIDNT say those who did the cartoons deserved to die however, those are two completely different things.

As usual it was extremists using an excuse to commit acts of violence that shouldnt be tolerated.

Also going back to what Mafya said earlier about the poppy burners and repurcusions, the french magazine has been expecting repercusions since 2011 for the cartoon, infact theyve been in police protection apparently.

Sadly it looks like it didnt work :(


The funny thing is that These type of cartoons don't bother me at all and certain posters interpret my posts as if I'm defending what these terrorists have done which is not the case.

Some posters need to start thinking outside the box for a change.

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We were warned about destabilizing the middle east, we were warned it would spread into a global war and both times those threats have come to pass.


The violence we see on the news far away from our daily lives is slowly starting to creep into our society and it's going to get worse.


The whole situation is going to get very ugly very soon and what we might see is a backlash in france, considering their current political shift.

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We know there are nut jobs who will kill people who offend the prophet of Islam so why do it if you know there is a risk of violent retaliation?


Because if you do that you are obeying rules set by those nut jobs, out of fear.

So if they demand that we don't do something else, we stop doing it because otherwise they might kill us? Then they demand something else?


Must admit though, listening to Cameron and Clegg bang on about freedom of speech made me grind my teeth. We don't have freedom of speech thanks to our politicians, so it's rich indeed to see them mouthing off about how precious it is.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 21:40 ----------


How many people have died over the centuries in the name of religion?


The greatest three mass murderers of the twentieth century were Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. None of whom were remotely religious.

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The people following that religion believe it though...


I suppose they also believe in other fictional characters like the tooth fairy and father christmas too. :hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 21:42 ----------


He/it does exist..that's the point..in the same way you know traffic wardens exist. Their faith outweighs anything you can put forward as logic.


you see the traffic stalkers every day of the week , large as life . now , when was the last time someone saw god walking down the road :hihi::hihi:

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The greatest three mass murderers of the twentieth century were Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. None of whom were remotely religious.


I believe adolf hitler was second in the list, which wasn't religious but was against a religion. And third was Leopold ll not religious, but against a specific race.

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We were warned about destabilizing the middle east, we were warned it would spread into a global war and both times those threats have come to pass.


The violence we see on the news far away from our daily lives is slowly starting to creep into our society and it's going to get worse.


The whole situation is going to get very ugly very soon and what we might see is a backlash in france, considering their current political shift.

When has the middle-east ever been stable?

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