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Paris shooting. 17 dead

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Or the brutal murder on Lee Rigby.


A Dutch news site has just stated that the police identified two of the three suspects, both had just returned from Syria. The mess that is going on there is beginning to look like the perfect storm in attracting a new type of terrorism and we won't have seen the last of it. Serious questions need to be asked about the sense of our 'Western' governments getting involved in this sort of conflict if this is the result.


The most tragic side of incidents like this is that it isn't an assault on our traditions and standards, they will survive, but rather they are an incendiary device to incite even more misunderstanding between 'natives' (for want of a better word) and the vast, vast majority of muslims that do not want any piece of actions like these brutal assassinations and live on these shores.


My bold - the offenders said why they did it as they left the building. They said it was to defend the name of their following. Simple, understandable and utterly wrong.

Don't over analyse it. Don't explain it away. Don't turn the other cheek

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So these mass shootings are not particularly an American thing then and France a nation which legislates gun control? Tut! tut! Last week another mass shooting in Edmonton, Canada.


Fact is these kind of atrocities can happen anywhere

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Every newspaper in the West should publish these cartoons on their front page tomorrow just to show that we will not pander to the Muslim extremists.


I agree. Censorship allows them to win. They ask us to respect their beliefs, but how can any reasonable person respect them when every-time they find something offensive, they respond with threats of or violence(proving the points raised in those cartoons.)






I believe adolf hitler was second in the list, which wasn't religious but was against a religion. And third was Leopold ll not religious, but against a specific race.


Hitler was a Christian. He attempted to establish his own brand of germanic Christianity(Positive Christianity) - similar to how the UK has its brand of Christianity. He certainly wasn't anti-religion, but like many religious people, he criticised elements of religion - and opposing variants of.

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So these mass shootings are not particularly an American thing then and France a nation which legislates gun control? Tut! tut! Last week another mass shooting in Edmonton, Canada.


Fact is these kind of atrocities can happen anywhere


I'd have expected better from you, if I'm honest.


How about a comment about the perpetrators? Or maybe about the victims, because they aren't getting much action on this thread.


You could have gone for the freedom of speech angle if you wished. Not many have bothered with that either.


Sadly, you went for gun control. What could be a better advert for the need for worldwide gun control than this barbarism?


So, you fail. Sorry.

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So these mass shootings are not particularly an American thing then and France a nation which legislates gun control? Tut! tut! Last week another mass shooting in Edmonton, Canada.


Fact is these kind of atrocities can happen anywhere


You are comparing an obvious planned terrorist attack with your standard spree killing that happens (occasionally here)in the USA.


That's really poor form.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 23:49 ----------


Two billion Muslims worldwide. If only five per-cent hold extremist views, that's a million of them.


Fortunately the good people of the RAF, USAF are knocking a few off that number on daily basis.


(As are Israel as it goes but best not bring them into it)

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So these mass shootings are not particularly an American thing then and France a nation which legislates gun control? Tut! tut! Last week another mass shooting in Edmonton, Canada.


Fact is these kind of atrocities can happen anywhere


Almost word for word I could have typed that for you..your predictability again shows its limitations of thought and reasoning...feel proud big fella and USE your freedom of speech.

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You are comparing an obvious planned terrorist attack with your standard spree killing that happens (occasionally here)in the USA.

That's really poor form.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 23:49 ----------



Fortunately the good people of the RAF, USAF are knocking a few off that number on daily basis.


(As are Israel as it goes but best not bring them into it)


Terrorist killing, random killing. Religious nuts, nuts who are nuts. All comes down to the same in the end. Guns are used and people have died. The reasons have little to do with the result

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Joking about Something and being offensive about Something are two different things and I don't believe I have the right to go round offending people or mock them.

I joke with non Muslim friends about muslim and non Muslim culture but it is never in an offensive way.


Without the freedom to offend free-speech ceases to exist.

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I'd have expected better from you, if I'm honest.


How about a comment about the perpetrators? Or maybe about the victims, because they aren't getting much action on this thread.


You could have gone for the freedom of speech angle if you wished. Not many have bothered with that either.


Sadly, you went for gun control. What could be a better advert for the need for worldwide gun control than this barbarism?


So, you fail. Sorry.


The victims went to their jobs in the morning never dreaming for a moment that it was their last day on earth. Why should they have? After all this kind of stuff would never happen in France would it?


I grieve for their loss and the suffering their families must be going through.

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