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Paris shooting. 17 dead

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A lot of Muslims do speak out but it's largely ignored. A few days ago 18000 people marched against Islam in Germany. If that had been 18000 Muslims marching against Christianity there would have been uproar.


Of course some Muslims speak out. A lot are afraid to too. Unfortunately, as with Christianity, it's the wackos that get heard the most - usually resulting in them getting their own way. It needs moderates of these faiths to stand-up and say "that's their religion, not ours" and jump on-board with everyone else criticising those elements of religion. Maybe they should join in with a draw Mohammed day - or at least support it in some way to show extremists they haven't got power over them. And they should keep doing it until that element of religious culture becomes desensitised to the criticism.

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You are a prime example of why islam will never sit comfortably amongst other religions of the world.Killing people because a cartoon upsets people who worship non existent gods has no place in a modern civilised world.The western world have made comedy out of religion for years Father Ted,Spike Milligan,Monty Python,Dave Allen,Rowan Atkinson and you know why because we can laugh at ourselves and not take things too seriously,islam does not seem to be able to do that.I am proud to say that i live my life quite happily without religion having anything to do with it at all.I have to be honest i am absolutely sick of hearing about islam everyday,why cant you be a quiet religion.
Well said!


I think that having a religion is like having a penis: it's fine having one, but don't wave it around infront of me, and absolutely DO NOT try to ram it down my throat!


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 20:48 ----------


None so blind as those who refuse to see.
It's a case of counting heads and understanding the difference between a tiny minority and an overwhelming majority, and then coming to a balanced and rational assessment. I have done that, so I think your metaphore applies more to yourself, fishy one.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 20:49 ----------


And just in case anyone has forgot. These people were killed over a cartoon.

A cartoon of someone who nobody has ever even met !

Indeed, or ever will for that matter!


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 20:50 ----------


No, it's a question. Why not grow a pair and actually try and answer it instead of running away like a girly?
Because it's a stupid, irrelevant and rhetorical question that isn't worth the time!
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In the same way you can feel proud to be Christian after what Anders Breivik did presumably.


The men who did this are no more to do with Mafya than than the Yorkshire Ripper is to do with you.


Because Breivik wasn't shouting "jesus loves you" and "turn the other cheek" when he was murdering people. He doesn't claim to represent Christianity. I cant see swathes of Christians in the street shouting death to those who insult Christianity. Death to those who poke fun at Moses.


It is nothing like the same and you, I and everyone knows it. You are in denial. Deluded.

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In the same way you can feel proud to be Christian after what Anders Breivik did presumably.


The men who did this are no more to do with Mafya than than the Yorkshire Ripper is to do with you.

Whoah! I'm no Christian! How dare you impute me with mediaeval superstition!


However, if I were, I would say that Anders Breivik was acting against the teachings of Jesus, whereas these guys were acting in accordance to explicit instructions in the Koran! That's quite some difference!


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 20:56 ----------


Because Breivik wasn't shouting "jesus loves you" and "turn the other cheek" when he was murdering people. He doesn't claim to represent Christianity. I cant see swathes of Christians in the street shouting death to those who insult Christianity. Death to those who poke fun at Moses.


It is nothing like the same and you, I and everyone knows it. You are in denial. Deluded.

Well said Ron! Well said! :clap:


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 21:00 ----------


No, it's a question. Why not grow a pair and actually try and answer it instead of running away like a girly?
I’ve just noticed, Halibit: that's one howler of a chauvinistic comment!
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Imagine if it had been 18000 Muslims marching against extremist Islam and the terrorist acts committed by these extremist.


Thousands of Muslims held a rally in London in protest against extremism.



Thousands of mobilized Muslims and Christians alike marched through the streets of Oslo on Monday, expressing what one Muslim cleric called “collective disgust” for violent extremism in the name of Islam. http://www.newsinenglish.no/2014/08/25/thousands-march-against-extremism/


Manchester Muslims joined thousands across the UK today as part of a three-day event to denounce the extremist group ISIS’ campaign of ‘un-Islamic’ terror. http://www.mancunianmatters.co.uk/content/270669560-stand-against-extremism-manchester-muslims-join-thousands-across-uk-denounce-isis


But that is only because Muslims do not yet have the capability to bring the fight on mass to our shores.


Where is your evidence that Muslims want to fight on mass on British shores?

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Whoah! I'm no Christian! How dare you impute me with mediaeval superstition!


However, if I were, I would say that Anders Breivik was acting against the teachings of Jesus, whereas these guys were acting in accordance to explicit instructions in the Koran! That's quite some difference!




Spot on, couldn't have said it better myself


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 21:04 ----------


Thousands of Muslims held a rally in London in protest against extremism.



Thousands of mobilized Muslims and Christians alike marched through the streets of Oslo on Monday, expressing what one Muslim cleric called “collective disgust” for violent extremism in the name of Islam. http://www.newsinenglish.no/2014/08/25/thousands-march-against-extremism/


Manchester Muslims joined thousands across the UK today as part of a three-day event to denounce the extremist group ISIS’ campaign of ‘un-Islamic’ terror. http://www.mancunianmatters.co.uk/content/270669560-stand-against-extremism-manchester-muslims-join-thousands-across-uk-denounce-isis



Good, about time.......let's hope it continues, but I fear it won't

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I don't remember Christians attacking Christians after Anders Behring Breivik killed (SORRY MURDERED) 77 people, mainly children.


Was Anders Breeivik a Christian and were the folk he murdered Christian. You seem to assume a religious connection where non exists.


We have no doubt about the religion that drove the murderers in Paris to commit their foul deeds they were shouting his praises whilst they shot folk.

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You are a prime example of why islam will never sit comfortably amongst other religions of the world.Killing people because a cartoon upsets people who worship non existent gods has no place in a modern civilised world.The western world have made comedy out of religion for years Father Ted,Spike Milligan,Monty Python,Dave Allen,Rowan Atkinson and you know why because we can laugh at ourselves and not take things too seriously,islam does not seem to be able to do that.I am proud to say that i live my life quite happily without religion having anything to do with it at all.I have to be honest i am absolutely sick of hearing about islam everyday,why cant you be a quiet religion.


I and many other Muslims haven't gone out and killed somebody over a cartoon drawn to offend, I'm actually sick myself of all Muslims being tarred with the same brush by the likes of you. :rolleyes:

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No, it's a question. Why not grow a pair and actually try and answer it instead of running away like a girly?


Oh is that supposed to be a sexist remark? You don't really practice what you preach do you?


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 21:19 ----------


I and many other Muslims haven't gone out and killed somebody over a cartoon drawn to offend, I'm actually sick myself of all Muslims being tarred with the same brush by the likes of you. :rolleyes:


But are you sick of the muslims that go out killing and praising your god whilst doing it? Are you sick of folk who get offended by a cartoon and go out killing because of it?

Edited by roosterboost
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