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Paris shooting. 17 dead

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OMG! Sky have just shown almost all of the lead up to the execution of an innocent policeman. Yes they blurred the person out and no you you dont see him die but it leaves nothing to the imagination. As im typing this its now been shown 5 times in a row. This is SKY ats its best. SICK!! and im never watching it again,

RIP officer :(


I've only just heard about the incident so I went on Youtube, searched Paris shooting (looking for a brief news clip) and the video I opened was phone graphic phone footage of one of the executions in the street.

Before I realised what I was watching it had already happened, awful stuff.


Condolences for the families and France as a whole today.

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I've only just heard about the incident so I went on Youtube, searched Paris shooting (looking for a brief news clip) and the video I opened was phone graphic phone footage of one of the executions in the street.

Before I realised what I was watching it had already happened, awful stuff.


Condolences for the families and France as a whole today.


I feel sympathy for you mate. I only saw the edited SKY version and ill be honest i felt physically sick. My beef with SKY though was mainly them showing it on a loop but claiming the moral high ground by saying they have stopped the footage at the 'crucial moment'. I switched over after i typed my post and when i changed channel it had looped about 6 times. It was complete overkill.

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Awful news. Not really surprising either (but not sure at all that it could have been prevented anyway). Charlie Hebdo (satirical, bit like Private Eye but more irreverent) has long had form needling wahabis.


This is going to turn very ugly in the suburbs, mark my words. The Police are going to go in heaviest-handed, with the Gvt in cover-up mode set to stun :(


EDIT: French new sources (reputable: Le Monde, L'Express) claim the 2 terrorists also had an RPG.


I fear you are right, its a powder keg at the best of times, but this could really set the right wing off as it will the muslim population.


Not a civil war, but its getting closer.

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Think of the Islamist sleeper cells in Britain right now waiting for their moment.


The ultimate cause in my view of this is Israel using the United States and its allies to cause mayhem in Arab countries.


Scary times.




---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 13:36 ----------


Is anyone else already sick of the excuses all the news channels are making already? Its quite sickening they are spending as much time telling us how unrepresentative this is of islam as they are telling us about the senseless killings :(

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I fear you are right, its a powder keg at the best of times, but this could really set the right wing off as it will the muslim population.
This has now provided Hollande with the best political opportunity since his election and, as he has long needed one desperately (and as I know very well how French politics and policing work, moreover in view of Marine LePen's ever-increasing popularity at Hollande's expense), I can easily see how he would ride the crest of outrage for a very long time by letting slip the dogs of hard policing and covering their excesses in the name of national interest/state security.


The terrorists reportedly spoke perfect French and at least one who took his balaclava off is North African/Arab ethnic, so that says to me they're nationals or close (naturalised, or from French-speaking Belgium or Maghreb). RPG equipment is a pretty rare thing (AKs are unfortunately relatively frequent in Paris and Marseille these days) and that self-evidently tells me there's a national network of sorts to procure them, most probably amongst the essentially suburbs-based Muslim population/community. The various policing services (Police, gendarmes, GIGN, DGPN, DST <more>) will be at this like terriers at a badger, and that's bound to cause far too much friction for things to stay quiet.


I recognise that this is a very cynical point of view, perhaps too cold/hard-nosed at this early time. It is meant to be apolitical (not left-biased or right-biased, just logical).

Not a civil war, but its getting closer.
Won't ever happen. 'Heavy' riots in suburbs due to heavy-handed police, very probably, however :(


EDIT - just seen the identities of some the persons killed. It reads like the Who's Who of French political cartoonists. Cabu, Wolinski. I can't believe it. Just can't. The public outrage is going to get worse than I even imagined, these guys were very famous and respected.

Edited by L00b
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Wasn't that the paper that released cartoons of a certain prophet with a bomb under his turban?


Yes, with the irony being that the article/cartoon was taking the mickey out of the people who felt that all muslims were terrorists.


It's totally played into the hands of the right wing at exactly the wrong moment. All my sympathy to anyone affected in France or elsewhere.

Edited by sgtkate
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---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 13:36 ----------


Is anyone else already sick of the excuses all the news channels are making already? Its quite sickening they are spending as much time telling us how unrepresentative this is of islam as they are telling us about the senseless killings :(


That doesn't sound like any kind of attempt to make an excuse or to excuse it... Just a simple statement of fact.

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That doesn't sound like any kind of attempt to make an excuse or to excuse it... Just a simple statement of fact.


But it is a bit like saying that the IRA weren't representative of Catholics...that didn't happen because people seemed to understand that, but when it comes to Muslims it does seem to need to be stated over and over until people understand.

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