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Paris shooting. 17 dead

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I don't know how they can arrest them when they don't know where they are... Someone on 5Live from France said they were half French and half Algerians... just back from Syria..


Of course they can arrest them, someone said they were half French/Algerian...just back from Syria. How does someone know that information without knowing who they are?

Edited by ronthenekred
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Dead easy until you try to enforce that. They can travel easily from Syria into Turkey and from there into any EU state and from there to France by train or car. How would the French authorities know where they've been unless you think ISIS stamp their passports?


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 17:25 ----------



By definition the French Foreign Legion isn't active in Paris.


The authorities seem to have some idea who's been to Syria some have been arrested and imprisoned....


There's a Dad's Army in Paris of retired Foreign Legion Troops who will act on command... :thumbsup:

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Here we go again alter the thread talking about irish terrorism instead of staying on topic, but well ok then did the PIRA murder people in new york madrid london paris aswell as in africa? No they didn't the comparison is totally insignificant and not even on the same scale


I was replying to charmer who was replying to someone else. I didn't start the comparison. But don't worry. The next time I want to post something I'll run it past you first in the interest of free speech.


The IRA did though kill people outside the UK and Ireland and they got most of their money and guns from the USA. The killings were in Belgium, West Germany and the Netherlands. There was also a thwarted plot in Gibraltar. But the IRA only had one enemy - the UK state - and one goal and so only targeted the Brits. Islamists are opposed to the whole of the west and so attack much more indiscriminately.

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Wonder what fantastic "#illridewithyou" kind of hash tag will emerge from this one.


It's already done. #JeSuisCharlie


That will make ISIS tremble, I'll tell thee.


I know it's not exactly the same sentiment as the Aussie hashtag but anything in twitterland is about as likely to solve this problem as I am to become Pope

Edited by Harrystottle
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Their silence is deafening.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 17:50 ----------



Not this time. Theres talk of people starting campaigns to make jokes about the prophets of islam and encourage others to do the same. I think this is a grand idea. Fight fire with humour :thumbsup:


But then you'll just be offending all Muslims who don't feel the need to shoot up a magazine or blow up a bus. Feel free to make jokes about ISIS - they are in many ways an easy target.

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But then you'll just be offending all Muslims who don't feel the need to shoot up a magazine or blow up a bus. Feel free to make jokes about ISIS - they are in many ways an easy target.


ISIS, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Catholicism, Westboro Baptist church, Scientology, Atheists, the deaf, the blind, the dead, the living. They are all fair game in a society that has freedom of the press, speech or expression.

Edited by Manchild
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Why is a joke offensive?


Ive never found any joke offensive. Humour is vital for someones well-being and sanity. Humour has also helped me in darker days and so my advice is if im telling a joke and you dont like it then just dont laugh.

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ISIS, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Catholicism, Westboro Baptist church, Scientology. They are all fair game in a society that has freedom of the press, speech or expression.


You missed Atheists off your list....

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