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Do you admire freegans?

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Do you have any possesions that you got for free?


I have some coat hangers, a woolie hat and dried flowers that were lying around the street, varous things that others didnt want. Are you always on the look out for a bargain, or better still something for free?

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Nowt wrong with salvaging goods. Some shops are downright evil though, I know one shop in Sheffield on Chapel walk that used to bin OOD sarnies and then pour bleach and what not on them to stop the homeless people utilising them as a food source instead of them being sent to landfill. (Going back about 10 years now though)


I've had some good stuff out of skips and bins and what not.

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Years ago me and my mate were drunk. Been out in Newbury. Walking home past burger king and saw it was shut. Then we walked past their lock up shed and saw it was open. Saw a few whopper cartons inside. There were about 8 and the burgers inside were still warm. We took them and demolished 4 each. Felt sick the next day but hey it was worth it lol .:hihi::hihi:

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