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Weight of school books..

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When I was at senior school in the 1950s each pupil had a desk where they kept their books and just took one or two home at night to do their homework.

I pick my 16 year old g/daughter up a couple of times a week and nearly have a hernia picking up her bag containing just her books.

I've just weighed it............6Kg i.e. 13lbs.

No wonder she gets shoulder painsand it's not as if she's a chunky lass.

Surely this can't be good for kid's posture.

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I was at secondary school in the late 60's to mid 70's..we didn't have fixed desks because we were in different classrooms for most lessons....we had to carry all our books around then just as your daughter does now...


Ditto in the 80s. No fixed desks, no lockers and with a range of several subjects in a day you had several text books plus exercise books to carry... not that I'm saying it's not bad for u. I'd advise your GD to invest in a decent rucksack.



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When I was at senior school in the 1950s each pupil had a desk where they kept their books and just took one or two home at night to do their homework.

I pick my 16 year old g/daughter up a couple of times a week and nearly have a hernia picking up her bag containing just her books.

I've just weighed it............6Kg i.e. 13lbs.

No wonder she gets shoulder painsand it's not as if she's a chunky lass.

Surely this can't be good for kid's posture.


Does your daughter do what mine does sometimes which is needlessly carry books for lessons that she isn't even having that day?

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Does your daughter do what mine does sometimes which is needlessly carry books for lessons that she isn't even having that day?


Is that just laziness, chucking them all in her bag at the beginning of the week and just leaving them there? :hihi: Sounds like the kind of thing I would have done, still do.


If the OP's granddaughter gets picked up each day the weight of said rucksack probably doesn't bother her

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6Kg is nothing. Wait until she decides to go to Uni and depending what course she does it could be a lot more than she's taking to school.

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I was at secondary school in the late 60's to mid 70's..we didn't have fixed desks because we were in different classrooms for most lessons....we had to carry all our books around then just as your daughter does now...


As above for me.

A quick look at my new timetable at the beginning of each school year in September would tell me which days would be a 'heavy' day.

If I had PE (needed kit bag), Housecraft (had to take basket with necessary ingredients and casserole dish etc),and Chemistry (a massive, heavy textbook) on the same day along with packed lunch, pencil case and assorted exercise books I was struggling with the weight. I was knee high to a grasshopper and very slight in those days I have to say and everything had to go in a satchel. This was 1971 - 76.

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