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Do You Remember Jacks Sarsperilla Bar Langsett Rd


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I remember it vaguely, I know I got some sarsaparilla there years ago.


However, the Bundaberg stuff you mention isn't just sarsaparilla, although it contains it. It is sold as root beer, which is really the American name for it; as a little lad (in Oz) my father used to buy drinks of root beer for me but it was then called Horehound. I have found it can now be bought in Waitrose and it revives childhood memories...


I remember Jack's on Langsett Road.


On a Sunday we used to walk the 'Monkey Run' from the drink shop opposite the Hillsborough Cinema down past the park and the Hillsborough shops and up the hill to Jack's.


We'd have a drink of Vimto or sasparella at both ends of the run.


If it was cold we'd buy hot Oxo or Cocoa.


This was before the coffee bars started to open.


I bought a bottle of Sarsparella the other day made by Bundaberg the Australian firm (I'm in New Zealand)


It tasted like Doctor Peppers the American drink.


I don't remember it tasting like that in the old days but then there's been a couple of wars since then.


When I look back it was a sad sport walking about chatting the girls up and drinking Sarsparella but times were different then.


Happy Days!

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Never went to Jack's, living at the other side of town, but I do remember regularly calling in at a similar shop on Abbeydale Road, close to the cinema, after the Saturday matinee.

I remember a similar shop going down Spital Hill towards the Wicker and I always had hot blackcurrant which my friends thought was weird!:hihi:

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  • 3 years later...

Just came across this thread. When Jack retired the shop became Harvey's Sarsaparilla Bar complete with Juke Box. The guy was called Harvey Widdowson and he had beautiful teenage twin daughters, Elaine and Marie.

Happy days. I can only remember two names from that time, Leyton Errat and Keith Littlewood. Both hard as nails when they were teenagers.

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